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Loneliness Chats

- When a member reaches out to feel better from their loneliness, what they really crave for is someone to understand their pain and sadness. So, more than anything, look to be there for them, as they share with you their thoughts and feelings.

- If the member might prefer a light/casual chat with you, these icebreakers could benefit.

Helpful Questions

- Since when have you been feeling lonely?

- What things especially make you feel sad and disconnected?

- What change could help you feel better?

- What were those times when you felt happy and connected?

- What is your idea of a happy life?

- If you were granted one wish, what would you ask for yourself?

- What is your idea of a true-companion/friend?

- What qualities do you appreciate in the ones you are/were close to?

Helpful Quote

It helps to see loneliness as a state of feeling distanced from oneself. As you understand yourself and get nearer to your true-interests, you are able to see everything and everyone around in a much more positive light.

Created by @FighterArpi

Good one Fristo! Thanks for this