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What to do when we are lonely during a crisis or the pandemic

Creator: @mikacv

What if we are lonely? In addition or aside from feeling worried, stressed, overwhelmed, and bored, we might have an huge sense of loneliness during the pandemic, especially since many of us are taking the precautions to avoid going outside to social activities and may not be going into work anymore in-person. Being confined at home for public health safety is important, but what does that do to our social lives? Here are some strategies we can use to help us feel less lonely and more connected, even if we may live alone. 

As we went over before, some of these strategies will be familiar to you. Take thinking about your values for example. What do you value in your social life? What do you value in your relationships? Take a look at these lists and exercises to see what stands out to you. Another strategy we have discovered before is finding the silver lining. Take a look at some of the examples of silver lining during the pandemic. Perhaps you had to cancel big plans with your friends. Though you can't do that anymore, you could possibly look forward to planning new virtual activities with your friends instead, like a virtual book club or lunch every week. Maybe you have been neglecting some realtionships that you realized were important to you. You can make more of an effort now to build and foster those relationships that you were not paying attention to pre-pandemic!