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Living In The Moment

How to live in the moment and become more mindful.

Creator: @LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS

Living in the moment

Living in the moment takes time and practice but once you achieve it, you begin to feel better and lighter in general.

Notice your mind wandering

It happens from time to time and our mind wanders to unknown paths! We can become overwhelmed from feeling so frazzled that we feel very uncertain and stuck on where to go next. Try to bring your mind into feeling aware of the present moment, nothing before and nothing after. See if you can do this for ten minutes in the morning for 14 days. How do you feel after days 1, 3, 5, 14?

Take a mindful nature walk

Taking advantage of the natural beauty around us is another good way to cultivate greater mindfulness.

The next time you feel the need for a walk—whether it’s a quick trip around the block or a lengthy stroll through a pretty, scenic spot—make it a mindful nature walk.

It’s pretty simple to make any walk a mindful walk; all you need to do is engage all your senses and stay aware of what’s happening both around you and within you.

Be intentional with your awareness; notice your feet hitting the ground with each step, see everything there is to see around you, open your ears to all the sounds surrounding you, feel each inhale and exhale, and just generally be aware of what is happening in each moment.

This exercise helps you not only connect to your authentic self, but it also helps connect you to your environment and improves your awareness of the beauty that’s all around, just waiting to be found. Add these benefits to the known benefits of walking regularly—lowered stress, better heart health, and improved mood—and you have one great exercise! This is personally one of my favourites! Take it all in around you :)

For those of you that struggle to get out, here is a video for you to join in and it is so beautiful - give it a watch! Very therapeutic and takes you to a different place: Mindfulness Exercise


I got here from a link in my notifications, and cannot see any video.