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Letting go of embarrassing events

Creator: @cheerfulIceCream

All of us have memories from times when something unwanted happened in a social setting through us, be it spilling the drink on someone or umm, i can't think of anything else but you know. D: A lot of us might even avoid showing up again thinking everyone remembers it or just replay it over and over in our minds & beat ourselves up for being "stupid" or "dumb" or things like that. Does that really make you stupid if you, accidentally spill something on someone or, say the wrong things or, talk to others without knowing you had lettuce stuck in your teeth, or the physical symptoms of your anxiety were significant, or you bend down to pick something up and .....your trousers rip!

Do you realize that all this can happen to everyone no matter how "smart" they are and happen A LOT? Yep. And it doesn't say anything about you or me either, other than maybe that we are all just humans. Allow yourself to be humane. Don’t let embarrassment grow into chronic shame (anxiety!).

You might worry everyone saw it and thought you were absurd or worry who bizzare you looked! Those thoughts are normal to have. However, let's also consider the facts!

Next, If someone did one of those embarrassing things In front of you, let's say a loved one, what will you tell empathetic? Or just a stranger, what will be YOUR reaction? Are you gonna think all kind of terrible things about em? Are you going to laugh at it for the next 5 years straight or keep thinking how "stupid" they were? No? Me neither.

Realize that that moment was just a very small part of everyone's day. And a much smaller part of their life. There are many other things to do and think through than keeping on scrutinising someone over their embarrassing moments.

There might be some people who will smear, but they're very small in number and who knows? Maybe they were not even present, either physically or mentally! 

Let yourself breathe. 💜

We will be watching a video on this next! :D