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Let's have a look into "Fear"!

Creator: @bubblingBreeze14

What is fear?

First and foremost, fear is a natural and a primitive human emotion. It is there to protect you from danger and possible hazards.

Fear can be caused by many things including physical things and emotional things.

Though at most cases fear is not caused from real threats instead from imagined dangers.


Assume you are afraid of an exam. Maybe you're afraid of failure or maybe you're afraid of not knowing the answers, or maybe you're scared of running out of time. These are valid, however they are mostly built up with "what if.." statements.

Everyone including me face these fears at different times of life. What can we do then? Are we going to let fear control us?

There are some simple ways to start facing your fears and move forward.

Let me list the first few steps below.

  • Define your fear : what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the future? Are you afraid of something that might happen?
  • Understand it : How does this fear make you feel? At what times does it come? Does it overpower you?

In order to face fear you have to understand it and know what it is about.

Take a moment to write down what scares you while you're on your journey towards your goal.

You may fill in the below grid to have a clear understanding.
