Let go & Enhance Resilience!
The sixth stage for moving forward involves focus on letting go and resilience to build strength in us.
Resilience is all about having the belief and confidence in oneself that:
- No matter how many tough or uncertain situations come in the way..
- No matter how many setbacks or adversity one has to face.
We have the ability to get through them, recover from the setbacks, get adapted to the changes and we have the ability to keep moving forward and make things better.
Some ways to build resilience is:
- Separating one’s core self from the problem. - It’s important to not confuse our identity with the problem. We are not our problem.
- Surrounding ourselves with strong, supportive and encouraging people.
- Being Flexible - Life may not always go as planned, and that’s okay! Allowing ourselves to adapt and find creative alternative solutions to form “Plan B, C,D…” will help us navigate whatever lies ahead.
- Remember your strengths, build your confidence by developing your strengths to their full potential.
Some of my best characteristics/strengths are ______(Complete your sentence)
- Reframe thoughts, worries or frustrations whenever required.
Start with listening around 5 of the most prominent thoughts that linger in your mind and keep you from being positive. Start with the thought that bothers you the most. Once you have identified these, beside every thought you have listed, think of at least one positive solution for it.
For example, "I feel like I cannot do it” - > I could give it a try, maybe it could turn out pretty fine.
In order to move forward we will need to acknowledge things can be changed, it's possible we can think differently, it's possible things will change and we can grow for the better!
Check out this wonderful Mindfulness Exercise: Change Yourself
Now, it’s time to focus on the small wins and blessings on our way. Are we ready? ❤
Here are some more videos/mindfulness exercises to check out:
Quick & Easy Meditation Guide for Beginners - Self-Esteem Self-Talk (20 min)
7 Ways to Keep a Positive Mindset (No Matter what Problems You Have) (For entrepreneurship, 12 min)