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Learning At 7cups Goes Well Beyond Listening Skills

There is no doubt that being a listener surely improves your listening skills. The opportunities to learn and improve on those skills are vast. As important as listening skills are, it would be wrong to say that’s all one can learn from being a listener.


Communication Skills

Unlike the general idea of listening, listening actually involves a fair bit of communicating; whether in trying to understand the experience of a member or asking questions to get a better understanding of the matter. Moreover, listeners have the opportunity to do so many trainings, contact a mentor, chat with a fellow listener; all of which facilitate communication. 

The practical needs of 7cups make one wonder "How can I better communicate my questions?", "How can I make the member feel heard?"; all of which lead one to improving a well-needed skill.



A good listener is someone who doesn’t judge the person they are listening to. 7 Cups listening values encourage an open mind; treating every individual the way we want to be treated. The anonymous factor ensures equal treatment. 

It doesn’t matter who is on the other end, a listener focuses on the one thing that we all have in common; they are a human being and that’s all that matters. This practice over time becomes a part of you.



The term self-care is surely more known than its application. 7 Cups is a community that encourages its application.

From group events to forum challenges, there is almost always something happening that reminds you of how important this little act of self-kindness is. 

Being a part of 7 Cups, one starts to take self-care seriously and over time it has such a positive impact in one's life.


Faith In Humanity

Many have doubts about how humane humanity truly is. 7 Cups introduces one to so many people who are taking the time out of their busy lives to listen to someone who wants a listening ear with no expectations of anything in return. 

To see this burning passion in hundreds and thousands of listeners makes a good case for our faith in humanity. It restores one's faith in humanity and makes them truly believe that there are some exceptional people out there.


What starts at 7 Cups, doesn’t end there!

After being on this platform for some time, one feels its ways sneaking up on one's daily life:

✅ One comes to feel more empathetic to people on other online platforms. 

✅ One finds oneself more patient when listening to people offline. 

✅ One learns to give people the benefit of the doubt. 

✅ One learns to say no, where it’s needed and say yes, to self-care. 

✅ It helps one improve their empathy and understanding of different parts of the world.


Overall, it makes one a better human. At the end of the day, isn’t that what we are looking for? To be a supportive soul and to be better than who we were yesterday.


The original wonderful article by @Hope is found here