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Know thyself!

Creator: @bubblingBreeze14

"Know Thyself" - Socrates - 

Simple meaning of this would be, to know one's own character first and foremost.

Why do we need to know about our character?

Well, it is you who knows yourself best. You know about what makes you happy and sad, what qualities you have and what skills you posses. In order to showcase them and let others see them, you need to have an understanding on them.

Knowing your qualities would give you more confidence and would help you in achieving your dreams and goals.

Have you heard of SWOT analysis?

This is an analysis used by businessess all over the world in their planning phase. Infact we learn about them in our higher education as well, probably in the first few lessons.

What is SWOT analysis?

It is simply the identification of Strengths, Weeknesses, Opportunities and Threats that are available for a buisiness. At planning phase businesses look into these characteristice and mould their campaigns and decisions.

So, is this important to me? What if I'm not a business person?

The good thing is SWOT analysis is not just for businesses. It can be used to measure our personal skills and weaknesses as well. After all knowing our Strengths may help us to enhance them more and use them wisely to overcome obstacles and reach our goals. Knowing our weaknesses may give us the opportunity to identify possible mechanisms to improve and to know what might not work.

Let's get to work and try out this analysis.. Take a few mins to concentrate and fill in the grid below. Write as many items as you can. We can alter them later 😃
