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Intention Setting

How to set intentions in your life to find meaning and purpose.

Creator: @LisaMeighanMScGMBPsS

Intention Setting


- Aralon

The next step is a more practical step and is the practice of setting positive intentions in our life. It may be something like you wish to see more abundance of positivity in your life or perhaps you want to complete a project. Whatever it may be, just make sure it is something you really want to achieve or overcome and it is realistic. Here are some steps to complete this exercise:

1) Show and feel gratitude for all that you have already. This may be tough if you’re having a tough day or weeks, even months. Even on the darkest days, there is always, always something that holds a spark of light. (Have you experienced feeling disappointment when you have gone out of your way to show kindness to another and then it’s just brushed off and not fully appreciated, it makes you feel like you do not want to do it again or the opposite, the happiness, walking on air feeling when it has been received with gratitude. It is important to consider what energy we are giving out to everything around us.

2) Try to be specific about what you want. Think about this and try to make it as precise as possible.

3) Set an intention of what you want in your mind and repeat it.

4) Write it down. By doing so you make it even more concrete. You may even want to write down the steps to achieve it too.

5) Final and most important step, know that it will be so, put your trust in the process and yourself.