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Identifying Strengths

We all have strengths and it feels wonderful when others notice them. Let the person know you see them as strong, powerful and capable. This helps to build their self-esteem and confidence. 

What should I look out for? 

Notice anything the person has done well! It could be passing a test, finding a new job, or simply getting through the day when their mood was very low. 

Small things are just as important as big things. Even reaching out on 7 Cups for support is a strength worth recognizing. 

Use affirmations such as:  

  • I appreciate that you reached out to speak with me 
  • You handled yourself really well in that situation 
  • That's a good suggestion 
  • I am so impressed with... 
  • If I were in your shoes, I don't know if I could have managed nearly so well 
  • I've enjoyed talking with you today 


Person "I was scared to do it, but I told her exactly what I thought about how she's been treating me. My voice was shaking the whole time I was talking." 

Listener "You were really brave to tell her the truth about how you feel. That must have taken so much courage."