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Identifying Boundaries

Review common boundaries and identify other boundaries that are important to you.

How to Build Insight Into Identifying Your Boundary Needs

It’s essential to consider the different boundaries you want to set in your life. While your family may be the focal point, you can start by focusing on all your boundary needs. 

How to Set A Boundary With a Family Member

First, it’s important to reflect on exactly which boundary you want to set. If you have several boundaries in mind, that’s okay. However, it’s important to address only one boundary at a time.

Identify Exactly What’s Hurting You 

Most of the time, the need for boundaries comes from a place of disrespect. You must reflect on exactly what’s hurting you in the dynamic.Slow down, and consider the situation. Do you feel like the other person doesn’t respect your time? Your generosity? Your home? Try to hone in on the specific details ahead of time.

 What is a boundary you would like to begin to set in your family relationships?

(Article Source: How to Set Boundaries with Family: The Definitive Guide - MedCircle,part%20in%20keeping%20the%20system%20balanced%20and%20safe.)