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'I am' Affirmations

Creator: @Izzy274

Affirmations can help us to become more confident and accepting of the person that we are.

This can help us to feel less anxious, and even be more confident in solving problems.

Some people like to say these affirmations out loud, or in front of a mirror, to help them realise their truths!

Here are some you can try:

  • I am loved
  • I am enough
  • I am beautiful
  • I am intelligent
  • I am talented
  • I am strong
  • I am a good person
  • I am powerful
  • I am on my side
  • I am confident
  • I am worthy of happiness
  • I am worthy of respect
  • I am worthy of love
  • I am worthy of growth 
  • I am worthy of time
  • I am worthy of nice things
  • I am worthy of new things
  • I am worthy of sleep
  • I am capable
  • I am courageous
  • I am worthy of happy, loving relationships

Task for you:

1) Write down 3 affirmations that relate to you

2) If you can, try to repeat these to yourself out loud


Congratulations on completing this step! If you have any feedback for this growth path, please pm @Izzy274, or tag me in a forum post! Please consider upvoting this growth path if you're enjoying it :)