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How To Create Personal Boundaries

Identify strategies for setting boundaries.

Personal boundaries are the imaginary lines we draw around ourselves to maintain balance and protect our bodies, minds, emotions, and time from the behavior or demands of others.They provide the framework to keep us from being used or manipulated by others, and they allow us to confidently express who we are and what we want in life. Personal boundaries allow us to be in the driver's seat of our own lives.

So here's how to set boundaries:

Make a mind shift. Begin with the mind shift that having personal boundaries is OK. It doesn't mean you are selfish or unloving. It is both completely acceptable and absolutely necessary for healthy relationships. Understand that self-worth comes from defining your life as you want it to be, not from the acceptance or identity of others.

Communicate your boundaries. Sit down with the people involved in crossing your personal boundaries and communicate your mind shift. Let them know you have spent some time thinking about what is important and acceptable to you and what isn't. Advise them how they have crossed your boundaries in the past, and ask them to respect and support your new boundaries.

Expect discomfort. Expect that this conversation will feel uncomfortable and difficult, especially if you are a pleaser. There may be some defensiveness and push-back from those involved. That's OK. They'll get used to your new boundaries over time. Whatever you do, don't compromise your values, integrity, and self-respect simply to keep someone in your life. Create a plan for times when someone crosses your boundaries. Let them know what they are doing. Ask them to stop immediately. Use consequences if necessary.

Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself and your value as a unique individual who is worthy of love and respect. Trust your instincts and feelings about what you do and don't want in your life. No one knows better than you who you are and what you desire. Don't allow others to define that for you. Practice self-confidence and self-love until it feels natural.

How do you feel about setting consequences?

What consequences can you set if someone crosses your new boundaries?

(Source Article: How To Set Boundaries (