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Great leaders create more leaders, not followers.

Growing a community isn’t about management. It’s about developing leaders. With their help, your community will affect more people and sustain itself longer than you could have managed on your own. 

If your community is dependent on a lone leader, it’s more at risk of collapse in the face of uncertainty and a changing world. 

What to look for in potential leaders?

We need to seek genuine and qualified people from our pool of hand-raisers:

  1. Are they genuine in their passion for your product and the people who use it? Ideally, they’re already avid users or fans of your brand who spend their free time going deep on your product, taking it upon themselves to answer support questions posed by other users.
  2. Do they communicate passionately and clearly? It’s possible that they convey the ins and outs of your product even better than your team can.

Find your Catalysts 

Catalysts are extra-passionate people who accelerate a community’s ability to fulfill its purpose. Seek out these standout leaders, give them the structure and support they need, then let them fly.

Catalysts will take your community to the next level solely out of love for your community.

Growing a community is not about managing leaders; it’s about developing leaders. 

This step is a small take-away from Community Building Course