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Getting to Know One Another

The following icebreakers could help in getting to know your friend(s) or anyone you feel good spending time with!


  1. What's the best thing that ever happened to you? (could be more than 1)
  2. Who/what has made a positive difference in your life recently?
  3. Where do you feel most at home?
  4. If you had a best friend, how would they describe you?
  5. What’s something that puts you in a state of flow [a state of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity]?
  6. What job do you think you'd be really good at?
  7. What do you want to be remembered for?
  8. If you had a personal flag with an uplifting message for the world, what message would be on it?
  9. What's one random act of kindness that makes you smile?
  10. A genie appears and grants you a wish for someone else in the world. Who and what do you make a wish for?