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Experimenting 🦠🔍

Creator: @cheerfulIceCream

Now that we've put the groundwork down, it's game time. 

One of the most effective ways to overcome your anxiety is to face your fears. As we have learned earlier in this path, avoiding uncomfortable social situations is one of the factors that contribute to social anxiety. Therefore, you gotta slowly expose yourself to these situations. This helps you by not only passively thinking about the situation but learning whether your thoughts are biased or exaggerated or black and white from some real engagement with the situation(s).

You may use the list of social situations that we made earlier. :D Don’t jump to a scary situation! Pick out from the least anxiety provoking situations and go for it. E.g. maybe try dropping some books in public, going to a cafe by yourself or losing your train of thoughts.

Perhaps you think everyone will stare at your laugh at you when you drop the books. However, you might end up noticing that not many people are staring and people might be more concerned about whether you're okay. You may also encounter someone else dropping stuffs. All the best!