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Edging is when you are on borderline relapse, its the fake talk we give ourselves that one peak won’t destroy us, spoiler alert? It will! Do not Edge!

Creator: @HealingFox210

Edging: Edging is a phenomenon where you convince yourself to peek at porn or just see what is new out there, your triggers may be due to your social media posts you saw in feed of some supermodel, it can be anything which tempts you into thinking that maybe you have it under control, that you won't relapse because of it, next thing you know you're opening your browser to search the sites.

Solution: Do not Edge! If you feel the urges like mentioned above, stay away from your phone, laptop, iPad etc and internet until you feel the urge subside, you can take a cold shower bath, also keep the sites on a parental lock and ask a friend to lock them off for you. This will make it impossible to edge, edging is a slippery slope and you should avoid it at all costs. You got this! ❤️