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Eating and Drinking

How to manage your eating and drinking habits during the pandemic.

Creator: @mikacv


Sometimes, when we have anxiety, stress, panic, or worry, we turn to food and drinks. Have you ever heaard of "eating your feelings"? We often use food and drink intake as a method to cope with our mental health. It sometimes brings us comfort as a quick fix; however, depending on what we eat or drink, this coping mechanism can lead to physical and mental health issues, such as weight gain, high blood pressure, or agitation.

How can we curb these urges to eat and drink in the face of a crisis, like the pandemic? One way is to replace the bad habit, eating and drinking, with other ways to make us feel better. We can find reflief in positive activities ro improve our moods and keep in mind the negative outcomes that can come out of our bad eating and drinking habits before giving into them. Some positive activities, as we discussed before, can be practicing genorosity, connecting with family and friends, or exercising.

We can also make sure to put these bad foods or drinks, like alcohol, out of reach so that we don't have access to them. You can avoid buying these problems, discard the ones you have, and/or change your intake through portion-control. Portion-conotrol can be a way we can manage our behavior toward the goal of staying away from unhealthy eating or drinking habits. When we don't give into our urges of eating and drinking unhealthy products, those desires tend to lessen over time and make it easier for you to avoid them! You can use mindfulness as well to be more aware of your food and drink intake and appreciate your food that you eat. Take a look at this site to learn more about mindful eating and this site for mind ful drinking and use some exercises!