Binge Eating Disorder Chats
What is a Binge Eating Disorder?
A Binge Eating Disorder is a type of Eating Disorder. It is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel like you are unable to stop eating. Almost everyone overeats on occasions, such as having seconds or thirds of a holiday meal. But for some people, excessive overeating that feels out of control and becomes a regular occurrence crosses the line to Binge Eating Disorder. When you have Binge Eating Disorder, you may be embarrassed about overeating and vow to stop. But you feel such a compulsion that you can't resist the urges and continue the binging cycle. One thing to keep in mind is people with Binge Eating Disorder may not be in the obese category, as much as obese people may not struggle with Binge Eating. It is also known as 'Compulsive Eating'.
In The Chat
People dealing with Binge Eating Disorder don't have a normal relationship with food. It is VERY hard for them to maintain a healthy relationship with food. They often use food as a coping mechanism. Some things to keep your focus around while listening to a member with Binge Eating Disorder are:
✓ Don't deny how hard it is to eat an appropriate amount of food. It might be easy for you but it is not for them.
✓ Focus on what impact their disorder has on their thoughts/feelings and validate appropriately.
✓ Discuss what may trigger a binge for them and how they can avoid it.
Open-ended Questions
May I ask when did you develop a Binge Eating Disorder?
Can you think of anything that might have had a bad influence on your relationship with food?
Are you aware of any possible triggers that cause you to binge? Can you think of a way to avoid them?
Have you found any coping strategies that might have helped you?
What are your thoughts on seeing a professional regarding this?
What effects does Binge Eating Disorder have on your day to day life?
Do you think you have enough support from your family/friends regarding this? Can you think of a way to improve this support system?
May I ask what are your expectations from our chat? Anything you would like me to know?
Useful Resources
Some useful resources you might want to share with your member IF they seem open to suggestions.
-Effective Coping Skills: Eating Disorder
-Eating Disorder: Self Help Guide
-Coping Strategies: Binge Eating Disorder
1) What are some emotions that might have driven a member to binge eat?
Answer: Most people binge eat to cope with stress, anxiety or depression. Eating excessive amount of food can give them an illusion of control.
2) What are some emotions a member might feel after an episode of binge?
Answer: This question can have multiple answers. For most people, once the binge is over, the feeling of guilt Kicks In. They feel a loss of control and helplessness. Some people might get angry at themselves and that can trigger urges of self-harm.
3) What are some suggestions you might make to a member who seems open to suggestions/tips?
Answer: You can suggest them some useful resources to go through (linked above). Binge Eating Disorder can be very stressful to deal with. Suggesting ways to handle the stress might be a good idea (e.g, Mindfulness) as long as you give your member the control to decide. Use phrases like 'Have you tried… ?', 'What are your thoughts on…?' and 'May I suggest … ?'. Avoid the usage of words like 'should' and 'have to'.
4) What are some things to NOT do in a chat with a member dealing with Binge Eating Disorder?
Answer: Refrain from talking about food, unless they bring it up. Consider their struggles valid. People dealing with Binge Eating Disorder often consume an abnormal amount of food during their binge episodes, when they share such details with you, don't react in a way that makes them feel like they did something very wrong. It can add to their guilt.
The following is an example of a good and a bad response to the same chat situation:
'I am not sure what is happening to me. I have no control over anything. I ate so much food an hour ago. I am so full but I still crave more. My binge eating is out of control.'
✔ I can see that you are having a tough time. I am really sorry that you are feeling this way. Having no control over food can indeed be frustrating. Can you recall anything that might have caused you to binge?
✖ So you binge eat, must be tough. It is fine, just don't eat more and maybe workout?