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Balancing Caregiving and Your Personal Life

Creator: @SoulfullyAButterfly


As mentioned throughout this growth path, while your caregiver role is important, so are you. While it may feel selfish to give yourself time while your loved one faces MDS, you need to ensure self-care so that your well-being is maintained - for you, as well as your loved ones.

  • Review your schedule/time spent with your loved ones. How much time are you spending for yourself? 
  • Make sure to block out some time periods where you can take breaks and check-in with yourself. 
  • Communicate your needs with others helping your support your loved one and ensure them that you will be there for them soon.
  • Never be afraid to ask for help. You should not be caregiving alone.

In the box below, share your self-care ideas for yourself. They can be as simple as making sure you debrief and vent in your journal before going to bed on time, waking up and practicing progressive muscle relaxation or going for a walk, or remembering to practice affirmations throughout your day.