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7 Beautiful Quotes and Videos from "Mindfulness for Emotional Stress" Growth Path


1. "Our emotions play a powerful role in the way we experience the world."




2. "We feel better and also function better when we are aware of and are able to deal with our emotions."




3. "Somewhere along the way many of us learned to repress emotions, especially those deemed “negative,” in order to fit in, earn love, and be accepted."




4. "What happens if we bottle up our emotions and how we can just be with them instead."




5. "Personal boundaries are the limits you decide work for you on how people can treat you, how they can behave around you, and what they can expect from you."




6. "Healthy boundaries allow us to choose what we want to let in and what to keep out. You can determine to exclude meanness and hostility and let in affection, kindness, and positivity."




7. "When you feel anxious or depressed, you need the love of other people but mostly your own love."




Walk through the complete growth path here 


This growth path can help open your mind to not only what is, but what can be.