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Im sorry

limesnlemons44 October 27th, 2023

I've seen a lot of posts here about women's issues with men. As a man myself, I should apologize on behalf of all the men in the world. Its not ok what we are doing to you, people. I'm sorry 

Tinywhisper11 October 28th, 2023

@limesnlemons44 do not apologise. That's like a teenager apologising for all teens. It a teacher apologising on behalf all teachers. It's ridiculous. Men and women can be equally as bad as one another.I'm so sorry that people here made you feel like you need to apologize for being a man. 

trueconfidant123 October 28th, 2023


Hey! The fact that you're saying 'sorry' on behalf of those you don't even know in itself shows how moved you are by the issue. I heartily appreciate it but accepting the apology would prove to be a failure in the name of humanity. Generalising all for one isn't sensible at all. Not all individuals function on the same principles. Some are despicable others are idealistic. Also, it isn't only on grounds of being a male. The counterparts are equally responsible as well. Please let us all be reminded that kindness doesn't cost us a good fortune, let's be kind. 

Thank you for being kind.