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User Profile: InsightfulPhoenix
InsightfulPhoenix February 9th

tw: poetry through story telling/ reflection/ healing journey 


Maybe the skies aligned too perfectly and that is why you believed that you were too good for me 
Maybe the waves in the sea crashed too intensely and that is why were relieved when everything ended like a swift sting from a bee
Maybe the flow of the wind was too animus and that is why you felt each tear was clashing momentum of glee 
Maybe the way the earth spun slowly against the grains of wheat is why felt the need to hide away from the world and flee 
Maybe just maybe it was you and never me 

by InsightfulPhoenix 



@InsightfulPhoenix such a beautiful piece of work thankyou for sharing!

I think the word maybe and the meaning behind it is such a powerful yet lonely word. The what if's, what could have been, it is all centered around the fact that something could have happened but didn't. 

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User Profile: InsightfulPhoenix
InsightfulPhoenix OP Tuesday


Yes, maybe is a poem about how I felt when an ex-partner made it seem that they were better than me. I enjoy doing story telling by poetry. It is such a fun release <3 

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