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Abandonment issues

powerfulLake9911 May 28th

Hello.. Is anyone suffering with abandonment issues?

powerfulLake9911 OP May 28th

I am. How do you deal with them?

Cynthialy June 11th

@powerfulLake9911 Hi, I´m sorry you are going through that. It can be tricky indeed. I´ve faced abandonment issues too and some things that have helped me are doing meditation at the moment I identify a trigger to calm my body and then reach out to family and friends. Many of the intrusive thoughts I get due to those triggers are highly intensified because of my trauma but acknowledging that is really helpful and my friends whenever I reach out offer those reassuring words that make me realize I´m still loved and supported. Hope it helps and if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to about it in further detail don´t hesitate to contact me. Take care

powerfulLake9911 OP May 28th

I am how do you deal with them?

Mya000 May 29th

@powerfulLake9911 Hello, I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this. Abandonment issues can be incredibly tough to handle.  Finding healthy coping mechanisms, such as writing in a journal, practising mindfulness, or seeking support from a therapist and/or a listener can be beneficial.