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Welcome to 7 Cups! Introduce yourself here!!

Heather225 June 21st


Welcome to our community! We're excited to meet you!

Please introduce yourself below.

Afterward, be sure to check out our welcome pack for everything you need to know starting out:

We've got vibrant group chats too! The Sharing Circle is open 24/7 for adult users! Drop in HERE so we can get to know you better!

CupOfJoy891 August 28th

Hi Lia 🤗 welcome!

AlexiaMarina127 August 28th

Hi Everyone! I'm Lexi, I joined as a listener about 6 ISH hours ago. I wish I knew this existed before! I've already had a few chats and I feel so grateful and humbled by how members have shared things with me and let me in, during incredibly difficult times for them.

This is a really fantastic place to be, and I'm just really looking forward to getting to know everyone, and hopefully, making some friends along the way!

Heather225 OP August 28th


welcome to the listener family, Lexi! i can already tell you're going to be a wonderful addition to the community and a beacon of light to our members. thanks for joining us!

AlexiaMarina127 August 29th

@Heather225 That's such a kind thing to say Heather! Thank you so much! 😊

HelpfulFennec August 28th
Всім привіт, рада бути з вами!
soulsings August 29th

@HelpfulFennec for those who do not understand that language here is a google translate translation  of what you wrote: "Hello everyone, glad to be with you!"

Good to welcome you here to 7 Cups. In case you are not aware of it 7 Cups is an English only in  forum.s and group support rooms. Some listeners chat in different languages - you can see on their profile page.

Take care.

Nyx24 August 30th

Welcome to everyone. I came here to help anyone I can. i love peer to peer support and being able to help others.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Welcome! Thanks for signing up to be a listener and make a difference! If you ever have questions about advancing your listening skills, drop me a PM! Appreciate you making yourself available to our member community and I hope you enjoy your experience!

OxigenoSongFan432 August 31st

Hei everyone. 

My name is Crystal and I just rejoined 7 cups. I'm a 42 soon to be 43 year old who experienced hallucinations and depression. I hear mean voices and see scary things.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Welcome back to the community, Crystal! I hope you find exactly what you're looking for here. You're not alone!

olivePapaya3606 August 31st


Hi!! I am new here! You guys can call me olive.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Happy to have you with us, Olive!

braveChestnut8925 September 1st

@Heather225 I am Hrishikesh Sesham, I seeked 7 cups because I was feeling depressed for no reason.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Welcome to our community!! I know you'll find validation and comfort here, and I am wishing you the best of support!

Fredrik90 September 1st


Hello everyone,

My name is Fredrik. I am a psychology student and ADHD. I have been through some times in life where I found myself desperately googling looking for a counselor, therapist, someone to talk to immediately because my emotions were so strong. So, I'm very happy to join a free community where people can find someone to listen at any time. Very pleased that I can help those who are going through what I've been through.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hi, Fredrik! Thanks for signing up for the listener side to make a difference! I know you'll be a great asset to our member community. If you ever have questions, drop me a PM!

kindheartedEnergy315 September 1st

Hi everyone, I just joined 7 cups as a listener. My hopes are to be able to provide people with support and a good listening ear.

soulsings September 1st

@kindheartedEnergy315 welcome to 7 Cups. Glad you have such wonderful intentions as a listener. 

fateorfaith September 2nd

Hi everyone! I'm Faith. I just joined as a Listener. I hope to just be able to help listen to someone out there who might need it. Personally, that's how I've gotten though life as well so far <3

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hey, Faith! Thanks for signing up for the listener side to make a difference! You sound like you'll be an amazingly positive influence on our member community. If you have any questions as you progress here, drop me a PM!

InvisibleBoi September 2nd

Hello, I'm InvisibleBoi (Vis for short) :) I new here :3

Heather225 OP September 6th


Welcome to our community!! Happy to have you! Any questions so far?

RobinGoodfella September 2nd

Hi --

I'm Robin. I'm here because I'm tired and run-down (autistic burnout) and trying to reform lost connections. The promise of people to talk to who will actually hear me is truly exciting, so I'm hoping I can fit in here. And in turn, I hope that I can offer at least a bit of comfort to others in need.

I look forward to meeting you.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hey, Robin! I'm delighted to meet you! If you need help navigating our community, please let me know. You're not alone and we're here for you.

Phoenixthepoised September 3rd

Hello 7 Cups Community!

I’m thrilled to introduce myself as a new listener here, and I wanted to take a moment to share a bit about my excitement and gratitude for being part of this amazing platform.

Joining 7 Cups is a significant step for me, and I’m genuinely looking forward to the journey ahead. The opportunity to offer support and a listening ear to those who need it is something I deeply value. I’ve always believed in the power of empathetic listening and the difference it can make in someone’s life, and I’m excited to put that belief into practice here.

Thank you for welcoming me into this space. I’m excited to be a part of such a compassionate and supportive community, and I look forward to getting to know each of you better.

Warm regards


Heather225 OP September 6th


Phoenix, thank you for signing up to make a difference! I love your listening enthusiasm and know you'll be an incredible addition to our listener family. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to drop into the Listener Support Room. We're here for you!

ChatwithT September 5th

Hi there, I’ve recently retired and have a background in leadership, coaching, and positive psychology. I’m looking forward to supporting people who are looking for a safe space and a friendly ear. T

Reem24Noor September 6th



Reem24Noor September 6th


My name is Reem

I had a family issues which affected on me and can't move it

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hi Reem, welcome to our community! How are you liking things so far?

Puffy2009 September 6th

@Heather225 I'm Puffy, genderfluid biromantic , she/they prnz ,15 yrs old,  Taken by the most awesome girlfriend ever ^w^

depression and anxiety 

trying to figure out on who I am and what's my purpose in my life

hoping that  I'll be a good addition to the community

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hi, Puffy!! I love your name. We're so happy to have you and I hope you get plenty of support here in our caring community. ❤️

Puffy2009 September 9th

@Heather225 Awww tysm ! really appreciated the complement , hopefully I'm gonna be a good addition to this cool community !

searchingSoul01 September 6th

welcome everyone who joined recently. Its not been much time since I joined this platform but you can contact if you need any help. I would be happy to help.

Heather225 OP September 6th


Thanks for making yourself available as a listener! You sound awesome!

primrosesarefree September 6th


Hi everyone! I joined 7cups very recently, so everything seems fresh and a bit confusing, but by reading the first post by Heather25 about hope made me feel already so much better. I put the "While I breathe, I hope" quote on my social media profile, cause that was exactly what I needed to hear in such hard times. Hope that I can feel better, get rid of this void in my heart, and smile brightly even on rainy days. 

Heather225 OP September 6th


Hello!! Firstly, I want you to know how much it means to me that that post resonated with you enough to adopt that quote. That post is just one example of what our community stands for and how we wish to bring people together and care for one another. I am confident that you will start to feel better with time, and if you need any help navigating the platform, don't hesitate to reach out and PM me. You're not alone and I wish you the very best here ❤️

kabir22 September 7th


Hey Heather, and hey to anyone else reading this! I’m Kabir (probably should’ve kicked off with that, but here we are). Just wanted to say how awesome it is to be part of this community—definitely vibing with the energy here!

A little about me: I’m work for wildlife and conservation (so if you’re ever curious why penguins can’t feel cold but still seem to outshine us in style, feel free to ask). I've been practicing meditation, gratitude, and journaling for a quite a bit (new posts for them by me, coming soon??), which keeps me grounded. Writing poetry and exploring ecospirituality are close to my heart, as I find a deep connection between nature and inner well-being.

Looking forward to good chats and plenty of good energy here. See you around!
Heather225 OP September 10th


Hey Kabir, welcome to the community! It's great to have you here. I love your passion for wildlife and conservation. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your meditation, gratitude, and journaling practices!! Let me know if you need any assistance getting around!

ElizabethT12 September 7th
