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LittleSpitfire September 13th, 2014

I heard about this place because of a listener by the name of MissHedgehog. She posted it on a forum I frequent called Loving From a Distance. Thanks to her and this place, I've gotten to feeling a LOT better about some stuff.

Laura September 18th, 2014

@LittleSpitfirewe are glad you are here! :) I want to learn more about this Loving From A Distance forum you were part of, sounds interesting. :)

LittleSpitfire OP September 20th, 2014

It's for people in long distance relationships.

DennyPenny September 28th, 2014

@lilspitfire: I'm not sure if this is the correct forum, as there aren't any discussions or questions on LDR's. Is there another here on 7 cups somewhere? My search directs me right back here...

Curtis September 22nd, 2014

Someone in a suicide chat room told me about it.

Laura September 23rd, 2014

@Curtis may I ask which chat room you are referring to?

DennyPenny September 27th, 2014

I've been in an LDR(long distance relationship) almost 8 years.It would be great if there was a forum dedicated to discussions on this topic!yes

LittleSpitfire OP September 27th, 2014

There is. loving from a distance