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Just me saying hi

Buzzingbeezon August 10th, 2023

I've been exploring this site for a few days, so I think it's high I said hi 😉 I don't know what to say more. I'm just another person crushed by the dissonance between the tales that had been inculcated and the reality. I'm kind of stuck in my life and don't know where to go. Don't know if I wanna go anywhere. Everything seems equally worthy or worthless. Ambivalent.

I'm looking for some distraction, connection, or something… To get out of this apathy.

trueconfidant123 August 12th, 2023


Hi, we are glad that you joined and are here with us now. Welcome to the community. You took the first step towards your member journey with 7 Cups. Thank you for being with us. We compiled a few basic pieces of information that we hope you find helpful. I hope you have a positive experience moving forth! 🤗♥️

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Apathetic33 August 24th, 2023

Well Hi there buzzingbeezon!

Can I ever identify with what you are feeling.

Apathy can be a real MF to deal with and it impacts me at this time. Happy to chat, vent, or whatever you need that helps you out. Sometimes, the best help is knowing you are not the only one .