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Intro - Hello World

BigToast December 11th, 2019

Hey everyone,

I am 25, male, from USA. Please call me BigToast. I chose that name because I saw a video of some "big toast" Korean street food and I liked it.

Part of me is writing this post because Noni suggested it. Another part of me thinks there may be a group out there for me to join so I can improve myself.

Some things I enjoy: National parks and wildlife, baking, video games, meditation, exploring new things with a partner.

Some things I struggle with: Being my authentic self, depression, anxiety, self worth, potential relationships.

I go to therapy twice a week, but sometimes the emotions are so overwhelming that I seek additional support. I am an empathetic person and try to help others, but lately I've had a hard time making room for the emotions of others because I am feeling burnt out, exhausted, beaten, and hopeless.

Sometimes it helps to write it all out. What helps more is talking with my therapist.

I'm not really sure what to expect from this online community here. It feels weird to share my life online, but I'll give it a shot.

I hope to learn how to relax more and be myself, love myself, and learn how to develop healthy relationships. Thanks for reading and have a good day.

Arora35 December 12th, 2019


Hey BigToast, cool name😁

I liked reading your post today, thanks for sharing. I got a sense of warmth go through me as I read it, you know what, Im finding myself praise you, because your post clearly shows me how much you have things together, even the you think you dont 😊 you really do. I think you have so much love and support to offer others, and you can recognise when to be easy on yourself and give YOU more time, that's brilliant in its self. You can only maximise your genuine support to others when your fully fueled and charged yourself😊

Keep talking with your therapist, it sounds like its bringing the best out in you, and your right, talking is the finest art of communication, its important to keep them lines fully open and active.

Have a great day 😊