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How I heard about 7COT

User Profile: aranyajohar
aranyajohar August 15th, 2014

There was a reddit post about this which really intrigued me.smiley

User Profile: Bushidoism19
Bushidoism19 September 22nd, 2014

I searched what to do if you feel suicidal on YouTube and I started watching a video that said the name of a web site and I went there but @ 3:00am the site was closed and I was seriously thinking about killing myself and then below then web site there was a link to 7cups and I went to the depressed forum and began talking to some one. I thought it was a miracle because I was on the verge of taking my own life because I felt like I had to and at three in the mourning some one was willing to talk with me for as long as I needed. I got to really just let stuff out and I felt a lot better. So every time I start to see myself going down that path again I make sure I talk to some one daily.

User Profile: Renee531
Renee531 September 22nd, 2014

I was searching for volunteer opportunities and came across a link

User Profile: thisisace
thisisace September 24th, 2014

Someone in a Facebook forum was asking where they could get help, and someone else recommended here. smiley

User Profile: JJill2
JJill2 September 29th, 2014

I had somethingsimilar! I was scared to death because my friend was going to commit suicideand I neededhelp. I went to a suicide hotline first, butdidn'tget anyone for 20 minutes, so I searchedgoogleand this came up!

User Profile: Emberlea
Emberlea September 29th, 2014

A friend of mine and I were talking about suicide and depression, and I told him about a phone line I was trying to start, and he told me about you guys! I love the site.

User Profile: MissKaay
MissKaay October 7th, 2014

I heard of 7 Cups Of Tea from Tumblr & Twitter multiple times so I decided to join. I love to help people! :)

User Profile: Danycat
Danycat October 8th, 2014

I had 5 friends who wanted to commit suicide and I shoved them all onto my ASSIST trainer (my 2nd dad) and he told me about this site. I fell in love with it from day one as a member and that same day I became a listener.

User Profile: PrincessAngel85
PrincessAngel85 October 8th, 2014

Hello to all. I heard about this site from Google. I felt the need to just 'vent' to someone because it all got to much at one point, and this site cropped up! Am happy to join as a listener and hope to help others! :-)

User Profile: whyme11
whyme11 October 8th, 2014

I was looking for info on depression and saw 3 or 4 different forums where you could post things and talk to people like on here. I think this is the best one by far (just my opinion). Reading things on this site, talking to the listeners and sharing advice with other people going through similar things to me makes me feel better and my days a little brighter. Thank you 7 Cups of Tea!!!

User Profile: depraveed
depraveed October 8th, 2014

The Youtuber Onisionhas links to here inafew of his videos