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How I found out about 7 Cups

growingroses February 1st, 2015

I actually found this site from an internship angle, through I read the description and it sounded likevery rewarding and a huge learningexperience so I joined as an intern!

Sunaiha February 1st, 2015

I found this on Google;)

TiffaniRose February 1st, 2015

I was searching for a depression help website on Google and ended up finding this.

fearlessBlossom February 1st, 2015

I was on tumblr looking through post about depression and stumbled here.

LovelyHell February 1st, 2015

I was on YouTube watching onision

patientHemlock4479 February 1st, 2015

I was on tumblr and it showed up in the search i was doing.

Pangea17 February 1st, 2015

I googled "I need to talk" and 7 cups of tea seemed most promising

rainyLove17 February 2nd, 2015

I found out about 7 Cups when I was feeling really depressed and needed to talk to anyone. I don't even remember what I was googling, but I somehow landed here and after getting help from a really great listener, I thought it would be a great idea to become a listener and help others, since my dream job is to become a therapist/counselor.

PandaPrincess February 2nd, 2015

This website was recommended by a Youtuber called KaeyiDream!

Rachel8888 February 3rd, 2015

i found it on too

PunkPqradise2298 February 3rd, 2015

I found this wonderful app on Tumblr while searching the suicide tag

Elliemarie February 3rd, 2015

Same! Im really glad, too

HappyPumpkin February 3rd, 2015

i found it through Tumblr!

MAVEN February 3rd, 2015

I posted on whisper that I wanted to be a suicide hotline voulanteer some day, and after helping someone relieve some stress they said I should become a listener here! so here i am :D

ChrysalisHasWings February 3rd, 2015

What a wonderful way to find your way here!

giggleDay95 February 3rd, 2015

I found 7 cups because I was struggling with a module in university. So I was procrastinating online and came across it. Lucky for me it has helped me so much and is so beneficial to me in everyday life and also academically

straightforwardPenny802 February 3rd, 2015

random google search when I had bugged the therapist too much

listeningwithbothears February 4th, 2015

I found this on a support group on fb

hmaille February 4th, 2015

Mt friend talked to me about it and thought it would be a great idea for me to do this. She was right :)

ChaiTea36 February 4th, 2015

To be honest, I wasnt having the best night and I thought to myself that it definitely would be nice to chat to someone right now about how I feel. I love doing online chats, so I just googled online chat for depression and I came across this site. Its brilliant. For a long time now I have wanted to connect with others around the world who suffer with depression and anxietylike myself and I am so happy that I have now found a means to communicate with people.

Jazzandtapioca February 4th, 2015

smileyI was haveinglots of trouble with my anxiaty and my autism and i was surfing the app store and found 7 cups i at first thort it was too good to be true but i then thort that if it helps me get rid of my anxiatyi might as well try it 7 cups has been soooooo good at helping me when my mom is not replying to my texts i can come here and the wounderfulllisternershelp me THANK YOU SOO MUCH I HAVE HAD MY ANXIATYFOR 7 YEARS AND ITS FINALLY STARTING TO GO AWAY THANK YOU SO MUCH

Jazzandtapioca February 4th, 2015

I meant to put 4 years oops

courageousMagic24 February 4th, 2015

I googled "how to help people from online." and this showed up. and im very grateful and fortunate for that:)

cherryblossom13 February 5th, 2015

I found 7cupsoftea because one of the blogs I follow on tumblr reblogged a list of links with advices and help for people with anxiety/depression etc.

Amanda9715 February 5th, 2015

I actually found 7 cups on tumblr around 2-ish years ago. There was a post about self help and therapy-type websites and chatroomsand I just happened to be in a bad place mentally and, well, here I am now.

compassionatePalm07 February 6th, 2015

i heard about it at school. i am volunteering for a mental health initiative so it came up there that 7 cups is also a good resource that can be told to students. I myself so feeling down so i decided to come here and try it out. Then after a couple of days i decided to become a listener here so that i could help people by listening.

DARKdreamer13274 February 7th, 2015

I was actually listening tosad music on YouTube. In one of their comments section, someone said that "if anyone feels alone and need to share their problems, they should check this". I clicked on the link and though I didn't talk to a listener, I ended up becoming one myself.laugh

Noreb February 7th, 2015

I found this website while searching for an internship. I am looking at becoming a licensed counselor so I felt this would be perfect for me.

aquaTortoise27 February 7th, 2015

Funny story.. I don't even remember anymore :D I belive googledirected me to this online chatting service.. Thanks google, my life is more joyful nowadays! :)

Roni1974 February 8th, 2015

I found out through a group post on Facebook I follow, and it talked about how you could be a listener, so I investigated and thought, wow, I could totally do this! Glad I did!

raisinmyremedy February 9th, 2015

I also found 7Cups through I group I'm apart of on Facebook, and it's only been a couple of days, but those days have been quite magnificent and eye-opening.

Rei94 February 9th, 2015

I'm in the same boat as a lot of people here, was looking for an internship and found this through a directory site. Definitely enjoying my time here so far. :)

gatheringroses42 February 9th, 2015

My friend posted about it on facebook, and I thought it sounded cool. I checked it out!

Ouroboros2 February 9th, 2015

I found 7cups via, because they were offline.

Tavrin February 9th, 2015

My German friend told me I should install it haha

Shinkiro February 10th, 2015

I use Whisper and Spill on my phone in order to confess my insanity, but found that neither of them were serious enough. Both of them were full of people who just didn't care, or weren't worth talking to. Whisper and Spill led me to some sort of new madness, soI searched 'therapy' or something in the App Store and 7 Cups of Tea was the top result.

Mytho February 10th, 2015

About friends. Becaue they sad i can help very good.

PhillipBucklein February 10th, 2015

I came here after watching an episode of Onision Speaks about depression. I was inspired to get help when he spoke about his own struggles and how he managed to get healthy, happy, and productive.

Jay168 February 11th, 2015

I just googled"someone to talk to" when I was going through a tough time. I was lucky to tallk to some great listeners and soon after I decided to be a listener myself. Love this site and what it stands for :)

RolledOats13 February 11th, 2015

This is exactly how I found the site! I was going through a rough time, googled "Someone to talk to" and found this. What an awesome site this is - nothing else like it out there. :)

Jadie February 11th, 2015

I love how "Need to talk" now brings people here first thing too! And so awesome you've decided to join as a listener as well :)