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Hello there.

purrwalker March 14th, 2022

College student, late 20s and recently diagnosed with Bipolar II. Found this place to meet new people, who are struggling as well. I have no friends and I tend to have a lot of difficulty with making new relationships. I have to admit, I was very apprehensive to write this post but I’m trying not to let my anxiety get in the way. 🙂

It’s nice to meet you. Thank you for reading this. 😊

GloriaD March 14th, 2022


Hey purrwalker 😊 Welcome to the 7 cups community! Nice to meet you too, hope you are doing well 🌻 7 cups definitely is a huge supportive community where different people from around the world meet each other online, give and receive support and make new friends. I’ve made some really wonderful friends here too ✨

It can be a bit tough to post if it’s your first time, and that’s completely ok! I was nervous making my first post too, and had to recheck it many times, but now it’s really natural to me because of how encouraging and positive everyone is 😊 Feel free to explore the sub-communities, reply to posts, participate in games and group chat events and ask for help whenever you need it 💛

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022


Thank you for your warm welcome! I’ll be checking everything out for sure. You’re so kind 💙☺️

GloriaD March 16th, 2022


You are so kind too, I can see many are able to relate to you, I hope you’ll find it helpful being here 🌻

Best wishes, Gloria

purrwalker OP March 17th, 2022

Thank you! 💜

WriterwithOCD March 14th, 2022


Welcome! I'm new here too. I have OCD and GAD, but I have a sibling with bipolar and have seen how difficult it can be. Sending a hug!

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

Welcome 🤗 Thank you for the hugs! Sending one back to ya!

Radkexd March 14th, 2022

I understand completely what you mean. I was just diagnosed a couple days with bipolar ll and the only person I know that has it is one of the worst people I've ever met. And nobody else understands it. It's been pretty rough lately. We can be friends 🙂

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

Aww, I can relate. A family member also got diagnosed with Bipolar a while ago and they are terrible, lmao. I suspect we tend to be pretty misunderstood, but I guess that’s pretty much with everything else considering there’s still a stigma regarding mental health. How are you feeling today? 🙂

Radkexd March 14th, 2022

It's been an up and down day. Went out to the country for a few days to clear my head. Then a big reminder of my trauma popped up and it's messed me up. Just trying to pull through you know. How are you doing today?

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

Oh, that’s good, keeping your mind busy is always a useful tool to relieve your mind. Oh man, I’m so sorry. You can share if you feel comfortable 😊 But know that I understand your struggle. You’re not alone. I’m doing pretty okay, yesterday seemed to be a mixed episode; I was feeling happy but I couldn’t help feeling out of my body. It just felt a bit surreal, but I had a good time sharing with my girlfriend. Then I got really depressed out of nowhere by the time we went to bed. But it’s all good for now, thanks for asking. ☺️

easyPine2877 March 14th, 2022

Hi. I'm bipolar as well. Same age group. How's everything going?

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

I’m feeling pretty neutral right now, but my energy is low today. Nothing to be worried about, from my perspective. I’m just trying to take it easy on myself and keeping busy. How about you?

easyPine2877 March 14th, 2022

Can anyone tell me how up voting works?

Radkexd March 14th, 2022

It's like a like or thumbs up I think.

easyPine2877 March 14th, 2022

Oh ok. That makes much more sense

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

Yeah I’m also trying to get the hang of it but I guess everything works better on a computer instead on the phone 🙂

Radkexd April 4th, 2022

Hey. Do u guys wanna trade snaps? It's been rough and I can't get on here alot.

purrwalker OP April 4th, 2022

Hey there! I don’t have Snapchat 😕 Do you use any another social media? 😊

Radkexd April 4th, 2022


Radkexd April 4th, 2022

Hey wanna add each other on Instagram?

easyPine2877 March 14th, 2022

Sorry I got kinda confused I'm just getting back into this iv been off for a few years. And I had to wait until I got off work to reply. I'm doing ok. I found out today I'm going to be working more overtime. Happy Monday. Iv been morbidly depressed for the past few days. By morbid I mean suicidal plans, but iv not gotten around to actually doing anything yet. Talking on here helps but you're the only one to reply.

Radkexd March 14th, 2022

You're okay

I understand that depressive state. I've been in that for the past couple weeks. Sometimes just go walking and end up at a bridge. Got in here too maybe see what it was like. I don't have anything inspiring to say cuz I don't really know what I'm doing. But I'm here for you if you want to talk.

easyPine2877 March 14th, 2022

You said you had a traumatic memory? I have PTSD. It sucks. I have nightmares and wake up and they're real. It's driving me crazy.

Radkexd March 15th, 2022

Yeah I have PTSD as well. It's been extremely difficult for me lately. But I'm pulling through trying to get help. Hang on to those people that are close to you, lean on them

purrwalker OP March 14th, 2022

I relate to your pain. I understand that deep, dull ache you get on your chest when all you want is to end it. But stick around, buddy. I see you. You’re valid and heard. I have a case of the Mondays too, lmao. Hate them, but I’m trying to take it easy on myself. I really hope you’ll find an exit opportunity soon. Jobs come and go, but your voice helps others. It’s helping me, believe it or not. Sending you a virtual hug. 💜

spongebob2021 March 15th, 2022


Suggestion : utilize the 7Cups chat rooms for support.

I am extending an invitation to the 7Cups Sharing Circle chat room.

purrwalker OP March 17th, 2022

Thank you! 💜

spongebob2021 March 15th, 2022


Have you tried the 7Cups chat rooms for support ?

I am extending a invitation to the 7Cups Sharing Circle chat room.

purrwalker OP March 17th, 2022


Hey, just checking up on ya. How are you feeling? 😊

purrwalker OP March 17th, 2022


Hey there. Considering how you told me you were doing last time, I was wondering if you’re feeling better now. How are you feeling? 😊

Radkexd March 17th, 2022

I'm doing okay. Been trying to stay positive. Had a pretty good day. How are you doing?

purrwalker OP March 17th, 2022

I’m so glad things are going better today, happy to hear that. I’ve been more anxious lately but that’s just how life goes sometimes I guess. Other than that, I think I’m doing pretty okay. Thanks for asking! 😊