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Ruben81 September 28th, 2020

Hello, I'm new to this and am welcoming any suggestions!?

7motivation September 28th, 2020



I find it helps to set and follow boundaries here.

I avoid the Dreaded Drama Triangle with people on 7Cups

as explained here:


I avoid letting 7Cups be a bad habit. I keep the habit positive.

I use 7Cups in ways that helps me, and others at the same time often.

I focus on my personal growth primarily and I look for people who are growing in similar areas as I am.

When people post problems in the forums on topics that I have solved or have researched in the past, or on topics that I am working on, then I reply to their forum questions.

That helps me work on my growth much better, and at the same time helps others. Mainly it helps because it makes me think out my solutions better so I can explain them with credibility. Often in the process, I realize I have to do a little more research clear up any uncertainty I had in my own mind. My knowledge usually deepens and improves a lot with that process. The end result is that solutions for myself usually improve by me explaining them to others that way. It also creates increases mental pressure for me to walk the talk, as they say. So it gives me motivation. There's a lot of evidence that peer support environments help people make progress like that when done properly.

That whole helper situation is called the Helper Theory in psychology. It's been shown that helping people can typically help the helper more reliably than the person being helped in these types of psychological problem solving situations.

I follow the guidelines as best as possible and that keeps me out of trouble here and also protects me.

I think the forum question posting is the best thing about 7Cups for me.

IMHO this site is most helpful if one posts questions, answers, or comments in the various forum sections.

That way one is more likely to get good thoughtful answers. It's much better than doing a chat IMHO because there's less potential for drama in an open forum.

If you have any more questions, I suggest post them in the right forum for the best results.

Please forgive any typos above.

softMoment1332 November 26th, 2020
