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Good day to you all....

aWallflower07 April 22nd, 2017

Hey, I'm Jo and I've just joined 7 cups to try and rewire my brain and hopefully help a few others along the way.

Looking forward to meeting you guys.

JamieSclafaniLMSW April 23rd, 2017

@aWallflower07 welcome to seven cups

April 22nd, 2017


Hey, welcome to 7cups! heart

StandForFreedom April 23rd, 2017

@aWallflower07 Hey Jo!

Welcome to 7 cups! :) How are you finding it so far?
Its great to have you as a part of the community!

dancingPoetry24 April 23rd, 2017


jr50 April 23rd, 2017

@aWallflower07. Hi Jo. Welcome to 7 cups! Hope you find the support you are looking for! Glad you joined

daydreamer137 May 9th, 2017

hi im Kya and i need help, im in a love triangle with my family



Hi Jo. Welcome!