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What's the best advice you have ever received or gave?

withloveMaoMao April 30th

Hi, everyone! 

I'm Mao--a new listener. I'm happy to be here, and I'll be more than ecstatic to get to know you guys. ❤️

A person once told me that it is better to be kind than to be right, and I always try to live by her words. ☺️



Hiya Mao welcome to the community.

I love that advice, kindness definitely goes a long way. I do wonder if it applies to all kinds of situations though hehe, but of course, to each their own-judgement and tolerance.❤

A lot of lessons, reminders, advice, tips, quotes etc certainly do influence the way I lead my life and carry my interactions with the world within and around.

Something worth mentioning here right now, is to believe in yourself and to have your back always. Everything else can fall into place eventually.❤