The color that best describes my mood today is.....
The color that best describes my mood is blue
Green because it is a mix of blue(sad) and yellow(happy)
I'm not sure what color fits. Confusion ; torment. Tearing myself up or beating myself. Restless soul. I think I complicate the complicated matters. I expect myself to do what others feel is appropriate. I'm not sure I trust my own self. I believe in God & prayers have been answered & I feel I've heard him through my own thoughts but then I'm not always sure if Its him I hear.
black nothing ever goes right for me
@tallSugar4889 I know how you feel. Three weeks of things not working for me over and over again. Feeling very alone myself
know the feeling nothing ever works out for me yesterday someone who i worry about told me i am the cause of their stress but never mind if I worry about them and make myself ill it doesn't count @inventiveHouse2965
Pitch black...
Coal black, like the void.
Feeling obnoxious today
My unloved color is somewhat dull, Violet dull