Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Big hugs for everyone!
Somebody give me a supportive hug??? :)))
here u go
@limegreenBalloon6462 Thank you!!!! *hugggg*
I need a hug - a lot right now. There is so much I could share as to why and such, but I just need a big hug. You may, of course, look for my posts in the Grief/Loss section of the forum, if you so desire.
So, hugs please? (Deep breath, Platy. Keep breathing.)
............................................. Signed, very sad Platy
I'd easily give everyone a free hug if they needed it, plus everyone needs a good hug every now and then. And it has been scientifically proven, that hugs de-stress people and have been know to calm them down.
Hugs would be wonderful (つД`)ノ
(。•́__ก̀。) i need love and peace
@happybb92 -pat pat- I'm kind of new here so I don't know how this exactly works.. but -gives hug- I hope you're okay, if you need someone to talk to, feel free to talk to me.