Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Every time I sleep, I see my boyfriend with another girl and it kills me. I tell him about it an he tells me not to worry. It's really hard for me not to worry because I really do love him and I don't wanna see him with anyone else but me. I really love him and he really loves me but it's tearing me apart.
*hugs* I don't know what else to do I'm so sorry :( but we're all here for you, everything's gonna be okay :)
I need a hug, or just acceptance.
But moslty, I want to be seen.
Notice me, see me, accept me.
I'm still alive, i'm still fighting.
Notice that, notice me.
That was a really nice way of putting it, by the way; though I feel like that too :)
@flowers22 I see you. I accept you. I love you.
@flowers22 *hug!*
@flowers22 sending many hugs
I don't know what to do, anymore. I've been numb for about a week. And it's too much.
I'm too conflicted for my own good.
I'm suffocating
It's hard to breathe, feels like I'm dying
But I'm like this every single day
Until even I have run out of words to say
There's like a hand closing round my throat
Squeezing tighter, forcing me to choke
But it never just kills you slowly
It murders slowly, lets you die in agony
Life crushes me down like a rock
And I can't keep building up anymore
All I can do now is fall down
I sometimes feel like sinking through the ground
Free fall could be used to describe my fate
Because for me there is no gate
No barrier, nothing to hold me back
Yet everyday something inside me cracks
It feels like I'm free when I'm really not
The cage has bound me, I'm left to rot
The key thrown aside, I writhe desperately
But who's to save me? Nobody
Do you understand now?
@Iniga I understand you. Sometimes I feel like this. Just pay attention around you. Is it nothing wrong? Awesome. Just remember that you're safe and blessed. Is it everything wrong around you? It's ok not being ok. You're still loved. Just stay strong. Praying helps.
If you feel like can't breath, go to somewhere that you feel that can. You may go to a park or square and sit there.
And don't forget you're awesome and go through this. You deserve all the love and care. Stay safe. I love you.
Thank you so much :)
@Iniga that's actually what I feel right now. I support you :) it's like there is no escape from all of the problems we are going through. All we can do is put a smile so that we can show that we are okay but actually not
Yeah, faking :( *hugs*
I really need a hug right now because I've been feeling really down because I feel like I've been making my boyfriend depressed and I feel like I've been selfish
@mandi93 *hug* *💖*
She left me. My love. My reason to live. I need about a million hugs.
@enthusiasticWillow2395 Hugs to you. You are seen, known and loved.
@enthusiasticWillow2395 Hugs to you. You are seen, known and loved.
*hugs* I love your username
I got out of an abusive relationship 2 months ago, yet my ex still finds it a good idea to stay friends. I keep telling her that I can't do that, and she gets mad at me every single time. I need a hug because finally I think she got the hint, and it will take some time for me to get used to it.
I need a hug right now! Me and my boyfriend are about to break up. And I don't know what to do...
*hugs* it's okay... :)
@Iniga Thanks! I have so many thing going on with my life right now. It's so hard to handle them altogether especially when you feel weak and you don't have the strength to pull them through
Why can't I stop thinking about him... Maybe I just can't forget all the happy memories of us. I'm so sad and down, maybe it's my fault
i'm lonely and hurt!!