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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





TwilightYue December 6th, 2015

Had a dream that's causing my anxiety to go up, so if anyone can just send me a hug and some encouraging words, I would really love that.

Stargazer1940 December 6th, 2015

@TwilightYue I understand completely. I have had dreams like this too. What has helped me is just focusing on the present and recognizing the reality of life. Write down a few things you are grateful for and try to go out of your way to help someone else. Or just do anything that will help you get your mind away from the dream. You're going to be ok!

Stargazer1940 December 6th, 2015

@TwilighYue and here is a big warm bear hug that smells like cinnamon ๐Ÿ˜˜

hopefuldreamer5454 December 6th, 2015

@TwilightYue *hugging you tightly and sending you my love* I know how it feels, I've been there. I promise you it will get better!

rationalMelon7237 December 6th, 2015

@TwilightYue *sends a virtual hug*

depressedbutfighting December 6th, 2015

@TwilightYue I have dreams like that sometimes too. Here is a giant hug for you :) You can get through this, you're really strong. I believe in you :)

cuckoo December 6th, 2015

@TwilightYue hugggsssss...i knw sometimes dreams are upsetting, i have had them myself, what i do is do some charity and pray, that helps me !!

Bebear December 6th, 2015


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Magia December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue **Hugs** Everything is ok :) you are not alone

generousOak4850 December 7th, 2015

I'm thinking of you, you should always remember that you are amazing, sleep well tonight.. You are safe, loved, and worshipped @TwilightYue

Lovelypink1142 December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue. Big bear hug u need to deeply breathe and exhale 5 times and literally get some fresh airs fresh energy always helps

TheGingerCrow December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue just remember that no matter what, you are more than your anxiety, you are better than it and so are the people in your life. Hang in there! As someone who has had a dream where I had an anxiety attack, I understand how difficult it feels having it in many aspects of life.

Imaginethestrength December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue--- As motion yells to tell you something is bad in a dream, let the strive motivate you that you can go to the extreme <3

pluckyOcean1303 December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue *gives you a warm big hug* you are important and you are wonderful, you can do everything!!! :) i believe in you

inventivePond1932 December 7th, 2015

@TwilightYue hey i give you a free hug that will make you LOVE my hugs

kindkitten2 December 7th, 2015


hugs for you

Sigre December 7th, 2015


Awww I hate dreams like that! Here's a really big hug to another major dreamer. *HUGSIES<3*

What I try to do whenever I wake up from a bad dream (or a good one/funny one, or interesting one too) is I write it down. It gets some of the anxiety out.

Hang in there!

lonelymusician December 6th, 2015

A hug would be something I could definitely need right now

depressedbutfighting December 6th, 2015

@lonelymusician *offers millions of hugs + some hot chocolate* Here. :) Hoping that you feel loved and warm for the rest of your life. :)

cuckoo December 6th, 2015

@lonelymusician huggssss tight one heart

Bebear December 6th, 2015


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depressedbutfighting December 6th, 2015

I could use a hug. Or two. Or three.

lonelymusician December 6th, 2015

@depressedbutfighting *Gives you a million hugs* Lots of love!

depressedbutfighting December 6th, 2015

@lonelymusician thank you!

CallMeVespers December 6th, 2015

*warm fluffy hugs* i know how it feels to feel like absolute crap and i hope that one day you can smile genuinely again. Lots of love

CallMeVespers December 6th, 2015


Bebear December 6th, 2015


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cuckoo December 9th, 2015

@depressedbutfighting hugggssss - tight one heart

EmoPassion14 December 6th, 2015

I just need a hug, because I feel like I am a bad person. People always say I'm a great person, but its hard to keep that interior, when I feel like I am an emotional wreck

Bebear December 6th, 2015


(ใฅ๏ฟฃ ๏ฟฃ)ใฅ HUGS!!!!

PaleGhost December 6th, 2015

I don't know what else to do and I really need a hug...

Stargazer1940 December 7th, 2015

@PaleGhost everything will be okay! Here is a big tight bear hug that smells like cinnamon

cello440 December 7th, 2015

I do need one. At least one please. ๐Ÿ˜” Thank you.

silverbear December 7th, 2015

@cello440 *hugs* :3

Roseymadeira December 7th, 2015

I can help c:

cello440 December 7th, 2015

I do need one. At least one please. ๐Ÿ˜” Thank you.

Hazelwood December 7th, 2015

Thank you

silverbear December 7th, 2015

I'm in a long distance relationship, I live in Brazil, she lives in the US. Feeling very lonely, haven't been with her for 6 months now, could really use a hug.

Stargazer1940 December 7th, 2015

@silverbear here is a warm hug filled with hope and love!

bearhugs32 December 7th, 2015

I need a hug because I am tired. I am tired of never being good enough and always being told that I should improve. I'm tried of people never noticing how hard I work. I'm just... Tired.