Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Hi Laura,
I need a hug. My wife and I just recovered from Covid and I got into a 4 car accident.
Things are calmer now thankfully with the insurance company sorting out everything.
I have a few minor injuries.
God bless.
*offers hugs* I am very sorry to hear about the covid and the car crash ): hope everyone is okay 💖
@Swordpsalm- sending you and your wife a great big hug. Recover quickly from Covid and your accident.
I sure could use a hug. Just been so stressed out and lonely
@DJJAVIPRODUCTIONS I hear you been going through myself, sending big hugs to ya. Hang in there🤗🤗🤗🤗
@Laura yes
Hi it's nippycat I need a 🤗
@selflessSpruce1515 *hugs hugs* ❤️🤗
@FallenStarss *big hugs* ❤️
@FallenStarss *hugssss hugsss* 🤗
Hug? 🥺
@emotionalTalker2260 *big big hugs* ❤️
I need a hug. Here’s one for you, 🤗
*hugs* 🤗