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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





lazyKatz June 5th, 2015

Big hug, hope it helps you through the day x

decisivePine3191 June 5th, 2015

I'd like a hug.

imaginativeDrum June 10th, 2015

Hugs and more hugs for you. May you find a giggle, a smile, a hug, a caress in every stranger, every moment. May you encounter yet more life-giving memories. May you have all that you deserve and more. May you feel less alone by the next hour, content-er by the next day, less stressed by the next second or if we must give it so much 'leverage', the next week, hour, day, month, year, forty seconds. May someone touch you in the moments to come with more than a virtual hug. May everything go well and may the next star you wish upon come true even just the slightest.

Liking a hug is not second to wanting or needing one, silly. Don't be shy! They're free and nobody will grudge you for spreading just more lovesome :)

Upbeat June 5th, 2015


Sending love and well wishes to everyone who sees this.heartdevilsmileyblush

JustShade June 6th, 2015


Upbeat June 6th, 2015

I love you more!heart

Stay strong and huggles.

AmylovesAdam08033 June 6th, 2015

Hi Everyone, my name is Amy, I live in New Jersey, I'm 35, and I suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks. How is everyone today?

AmylovesAdam08033 June 6th, 2015

Basically the reason why I suffer from anxiety & panic attacks is from being molested from the ages of 6 to 8 years old. My aunt's ex husband molested me. And my dad was an alcoholic and beat me from the ages of 10 to 18 years old. Life has been super hard and I could really use a hug from anyone out there that's willing to give me a hug. Thanks everyone and I'm so glad I found this place.

StarlightMoonstone June 7th, 2015

*Hugs real tightly*

Sherly June 7th, 2015

Hugs my dear

lavenderAvocado981 June 8th, 2015

Oh you poor thing! CLUTCHING TIGHT HUGGG!!

cazmickey June 8th, 2015

Hugs xxxxxx

YouCanUseMyEars June 9th, 2015

Hug hug hugssss! Good job on reaching out.

Anatheya June 10th, 2015

You deserve more than a hug, girl. We support you! :))) Oh and, //hugs real tightly

StormDancer June 8th, 2015

Can Stormy please have a hug??

cazmickey June 8th, 2015

hugs xx

Upbeat June 8th, 2015

*beat hug* and feel free to message me sweetheart @Stormdancerheart

OxymoronSoul June 9th, 2015

I've been struggling with negative thinking for thpast weeks. Keep thinking if the man I thought cared deeply for me actually did since he hasn't ever contacted me again since we stopped seeing each other (and he had said we would always care for each other). I want to believe love was real... I love him and still care. Need a hug from someone who cares...

imaginativeDrum June 10th, 2015

*hugs* *hugs again* It's great that you're here and actively seeking comfort instead of breaking down about it all by your lonesome. Sometimes love is cruel like that, it takes as much as it gives. And sometimes it just takes. Maybe they were sweet nothings because you were a beautiful girl and he was trying his everything including the bittersweet fake to woo you, thinking just himself wasn't good enough. Maybe the feelings died like ashes. Maybe he's struggling on something unrelated. Maybe he's just busy. Maybe something went wrong, there's a misunderstanding. Maybe he's just a prick and not worthy of your attention afterall. Maybe he's guilty about something and not ready to own up to his beloved other just yet. Maybe you fought and didn't realise it.Maybe he's swelling in the ego of being noticed. Maybe nothing went wrong and he's just awkward with making the break. Maybe, could be but what COULDN'T be?

Feel better this night. An uncertain question with an unknown answer is always a probability of good, good hope. Believe in yourself who 'earned' him. Believe in the guy who 'earned' you. We are here if it really is a fully dead phoenix.

Lexi9715 June 9th, 2015


Strongme June 9th, 2015

Biggest hug everrr❤️❤️

Sherly June 10th, 2015

Hugs tight

Caringheart89 June 9th, 2015

Lots of warm, snuggle hugs to everyone💗💗💗💗

midnightblacklab June 9th, 2015

Hugs to all of you kind people!

Solitaryshadow June 10th, 2015

Really needing hugs tonight. Lost my grandma to cancer in September. Missing her a lot tonight.

lazyKatz June 10th, 2015

I think the yellow rose means peace. Peace to your Grandma and hugs to you x

starlitdreamer June 10th, 2015

Asking for a hug has always been awkward for me, but I really could use one. *open arms*

imaginativeDrum June 10th, 2015

*grabs arms and smothers*

Good morning, good evening, good night and good day wherever you are and from everywhere else in the world too. Least of all this NZ kiwi who should really be bidding a really, really late good night. May your day be or have gotten better. Know we're here if you need to talk. Whatever it is that plagues you, let it be wind. Less unpleasant when it finally does change direction. Not that one can't love wind. I love it myself. But it can draw blood with your own hair and clothes if too strong. Like a challenge. You are changing, you are making change? Something is happening and you need to, will ride it out. Be strong and you will be stronger yet by the end of it. All prayers for you. All hugs for you.

And people will always deserve for a hug, what's a little bit of awkward? *double* because we are the same. One difference: I don't ask for it. I just give it or just do it. <3

Anatheya June 10th, 2015

The standards for beauty suck. All this negative thinking about the way I look is making me fall deeper into a slump.. Hug, please?? :(

imaginativeDrum June 10th, 2015

Hum. Didn't 'reply' to the correct post.
*outline hug*

imaginativeDrum June 10th, 2015

How do you look? Let's hug you in full paragraphs *hugs outline for now* :D Beauty is a dependent judgement. The african voice that is the talent in talent shows today were once 'beastial'. Olden day westerners liked the plump with beauty spots (I'll admit I like a clear face more... *sound of something dropping awkwardly*). Asians standardised lighter skin, long noses. Models are okay flat. It is manly to have more chest hair. There were three main body types (less to do with torso, more ratio of fingers and feet), now there are a million and we all keep living no matter what sort we actually are or could be.

The americans are now 'american looking' rather than spanish (first group), european, english, etc. Once upon a time, to simply have different facial features (any of the groups mentioned above) was to be condemened. Once upon a time, those were devils, named and colored both with obscenity. All this faded.There is fashion and surgery to become permanently more oddly dressed, oddly colored people, piercings, markings. All this is specific to individual concept.

Beauty is a tattoo. Semi-permanent but if you really wanted to change it, you could. As it is though, it is only a fad, an idea. As long as you are content and think it is beautiful, you and your body forever will be.

Blagfar June 10th, 2015


I really needed a hug...

I'm feeling better but a big old hug would make things so much better right now...


no one ever gives me a hug IRL...

starlitdreamer June 10th, 2015

*BEAR HUUUGG* (>^.^)>

Blagfar June 10th, 2015

Oh so much hugs... <(^-^<)

OxymoronSoul June 11th, 2015

Abrazo!!!! Spanish hug as well :)

starlitdreamer June 11th, 2015



CounselorKarin June 11th, 2015

Hugs are great when given with intention. I know how you feel... many hugs your way hun.

InvisibleTalker June 11th, 2015


LydiaWatsonWinchester June 17th, 2015

Me neither. I'd give you a hugin real life(>;_;)>

Lpmae June 11th, 2015

I need a Panda Hug :)