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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





KillerxReed May 17th, 2015

Im dealing with heavy depression...i dontthink a hug will help

Sgttibbs May 17th, 2015

This is weird but a hug from someone that matters always makes me feel just a little bit better. It's kind of a sign you know? Like hey, you're not alone in this and there are eople who care

samara22 May 17th, 2015

heartAstronomical HUG!heart

QipaoGirl918 May 17th, 2015

Asking and giving hugs. Why is it that loving arms are not around when we need them most? Hugs to all from me!

humorousTiger9410 May 17th, 2015

Been having a really difficult time in the past 7 weeks. Each of my family members and myself have had a crisis occur. Mine was medical(Epileptic seizures)which now seems to be under control. My son being physically & mentallyabused by his girlfriend. He left her but also left his daughter there with his girlfriend who's the child's mom. My daughter In a crisis now today my husbands not in a very good space mentally which is new I've never heard him talk as he is now. Im scared and worried. All this happened all within a matter of weeks starting back in mid April. I could definiitely use a hug and need someone to chat to.

QipaoGirl918 May 17th, 2015

I am so sorry! That is a lot to handle. I hope you have people to help you with this! It goes without saying that I hope some of these circumstance will right themselves swiftly! A huge hug to you!

Letmehelpyou210 May 17th, 2015

Sorry to hear all the recent tragedies you are goingthrough.. I know it's hard, but nothing in this life is permanent.smiley

Big tight hug to you! heartheart

And if ever you need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me.


JustShade May 17th, 2015

Hugs to everyone! And remember: you are never going through hard times alone!smiley

May 17th, 2015

Need hugssad

Feeling abandoned by *not appropriateto mention the site name*

samara22 May 17th, 2015


May 17th, 2015

Thanks @samara22heart*hugs back*

Randomesta127 May 17th, 2015

I could really do with a hug right now, it's a been a rough time recently...

samara22 May 17th, 2015


May 17th, 2015

H U G Sheart

Meli94 May 17th, 2015

Been feeling so suicidal recently and I could really use a hug, I just feel like I don't deserve one because of how I'm feeling

samara22 May 17th, 2015


May 17th, 2015

@Meli94Warm hugs to you! Cheer up, we are here for you.

Meli94 May 17th, 2015

Thank you guys! It really does mean the world to me ❤️

Yannickosaur May 17th, 2015

Big hugs to everyone from me and the Dutch Marines! Don't ever give up, that's an order.

Apathetickelly May 18th, 2015


Hugs from down under!!! Aussie Aussie Aussie Hug Hugs Hugs!!

Anggel May 18th, 2015


**lots of love to everyone reading this**

Upbeat May 18th, 2015

Hugs tighter back @yannickosaurheart

Miley1128 May 18th, 2015

I could use a BIG one.....

Stevanw2007 May 18th, 2015

I could use a big hug to the worst thing is the one I won't hug me won't

OrangeCaramelPop May 17th, 2015

Hugs, kisses and oranges!

Hugs can be lime-ited edition?

I never knew. Nyaha.

Dineshkumar2493 May 17th, 2015

Hug is like as for a person like a glass of water for thristy

Dhara94 May 17th, 2015

Lime-ited! I liked what you did in there:D

ImElectraHeart May 18th, 2015

OH I see what you did there! Is your name Clementine, by any chance? *hugs* by the way.

OrangeCaramelPop May 18th, 2015

No, she's Clementine:

ImElectraHeart May 18th, 2015

Haha. Is she, though?

OrangeCaramelPop May 19th, 2015

Yes, she really is. xD

Dhara94 May 17th, 2015

*Warm hugs from India* cause you deserve it:)heart

thehashslingingslasher May 17th, 2015

Hugs from U.S.A <3

Letmehelpyou210 May 17th, 2015

Big Hugs from Dubai! To everyone who is feeling low, disheartened, shattered or lonely!

You are not alone..! Smile for the camera *Clicks*

samara22 May 17th, 2015

Thank You :)

Letmehelpyou210 May 17th, 2015

heartsmileysmileyYou are most welcome @samara22heartsmileysmiley

francescadances May 17th, 2015

Special Limited Edition hugs adorned with happiness in exchange for one smile

samara22 May 18th, 2015


and my hug?angel

manxology May 18th, 2015

A real big hug to anyone who is depressed, anxious or lonely!

deb254 May 18th, 2015

Thanks you got my number💔😿 Hugs to you 😊I feel better already 😀