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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Irishfaerie74 March 21st, 2015

Big, sturdy, waterproof shoulders (Kleenex optional but available) & warm cuddly hugs available by request, in bulk, for free 24/7!

ibelieveingod March 21st, 2015

Put ur left hand on ur right side of ur chest n ur right hand on ur left..this is a hug from me to u all lovely people out there..we all are in this era together t celebrate our life with eachother..may be thru net😊❤😇

theclocksystem March 21st, 2015

*hugshugshugshugshugs* *chocolate chip muffins* *peppermint tea* *cocoa* *more hugs*

soda March 21st, 2015

Hugs!!! You got em, I want em!!!

powerfulGrapes8842 March 21st, 2015

I really Need a Hug ... Seriously

soda March 22nd, 2015


Cinnamon March 22nd, 2015

{{[[Powerful Grape]]]] A great big hug for you!!!

powerfulGrapes8842 March 22nd, 2015

Thanks Cinnamon <3!

powerfulGrapes8842 March 22nd, 2015

Thanks Cinnamon <3!

understandingSky4898 April 11th, 2015


convivialPenny70 March 22nd, 2015

Im on hug patrol for the next hour so if anyone needs one, make a line right here! All kinds of hugs too. Grizzly bear hugs, gentle baby hugs, grandmahugs you name it I got you covered!

independentFarm59 March 22nd, 2015


Cinnamon March 22nd, 2015

{{{{Hugs}}}} to each and everyone that reads this.
{{{{Hugs}}}} to everyone that doesn't read this but needs one.
{{{{Hugs}}} to my friends, family and family of choice.
{{{Hugs}}} to the people that have problems with me so they may find compassion and peace.

The world needs love, compassion, peace, loving kindness and definitely {{{{FREE HUGS}}}}

Thank you ALL for the Hugs!!! You make the world a better place!

Cinnamon March 22nd, 2015

If ANYONE needs A hug I am always here!!!
Hugs are important!!!
Just ask and you shall receive! <3

Haveaniceday95 March 22nd, 2015

Free Hugs To All You Wonderful People <3 ^_^

MariaV March 22nd, 2015


Brokemind March 22nd, 2015

I'd like a big warm hug please

convivialPenny70 March 23rd, 2015


lynn97 March 22nd, 2015

I really need a hug right now..

enthusiasticApricot565 March 22nd, 2015

I am in need of a huge hug right now, thanks God bless!!!!

beansidhe March 22nd, 2015

Here's a HUUUUGE HUG for you!!heart

convivialPenny70 March 23rd, 2015

Lets get a group hug going Lynn and Enthusiastic........(Deep inhale and exhale) AAAAhhhhhh..... Theres nothing better than a hug to show you caresmiley

mistpete75 March 23rd, 2015

If someone gives me a big old bear hug, I'll return the favor!!

convivialPenny70 March 23rd, 2015

Do 2 big hairy arms count as a bear hug?

purplePear1228 March 23rd, 2015

Lol, I thought it had to do with a strong hug not with a hairy hug!!! :)

mistpete75 March 23rd, 2015

Hehehe!!! If that's what you're giving I'll take it!!

convivialPenny70 March 23rd, 2015

Just wanted to put a smile on your face along with that hug. So heres a well over due strong, firm and NONhairy bearhug for you!smiley

exuberantDay5446 March 23rd, 2015

Since I'm always in need of a good hug, here's one to share with you ☺️️

horizonLynx90 March 23rd, 2015

And a good hug back to you!

mistpete75 March 23rd, 2015

Hugs for anyone and everyone!!! Whether you need it or not!

Recoveryiskey March 23rd, 2015

Kindafeels like no one loves me because I got in another fight with my ex. I want a million hugs and to be called cute nicknames....frown

purplePear1228 March 23rd, 2015

Here it goes, cute buddy, a huge and strong bear's hug. :)

soda March 25th, 2015


Annie March 25th, 2015

smileyHey, Cutiepie!cheekyYouneedinhugs, Pumpkin?

Well, we just happen to have a million today. For you. Because you're awfully special, and we want you to feel sooooo much better.smiley

musiclover1127 March 28th, 2015

Literally my life right now. Everything I see reminds me of him and I just want him back :((((((

horizonLynx90 March 30th, 2015

I hope you're feeling better hon! *HUGSSSSSSS*

Cinnamon March 31st, 2015

Dearest RecoveryisKey,
{{{{Hugs}}}} I know it is difficult when arguments occur but I often try to remember that these are fleeting emotions and another will take its place and then another. Emotions are not permanent. We are all so much more than our emotions!

As for your cute nickname ... I am going to call you RIK PURE LOVE! Anyone that doesn't like to fight can have a heart made of PURE LOVE! <3
I wish you all the brightest blessings!!

naive April 10th, 2015

You are loveable and you deserve the best.

disintegrated March 24th, 2015


kittykat340 March 25th, 2015

I need a hug...