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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015






*cuddles* :3 (*.)u(*.) don't forget I love you and stay strong, yeah?? For me :3 smileeeee


*cuddles* :3 (*.)u(*.) don't forget I love you and stay strong, yeah?? For me :3 smileeeee

trusty March 15th, 2015

Huggies smilies to all of with love n lots of tons of love all around...

courageousMist74 March 15th, 2015

Big hugs! We all need them.


*warm cuddle* smile for me?? :) please Be happyyyyyyyy ^u^


*warm cuddle* smile for me?? :) please Be happyyyyyyyy ^u^


*warm cuddle* smile for me?? :) please Be happyyyyyyyy ^u^

MoonGoddess22 March 15th, 2015

I like hugs :3


I am so happy I found this xDDDD *hugs everyone* *cuddles* (a proper cuddle with blankets and pizza and hot chocolate and cookies and this just reminds me too much of my ex so I'm going to stop now but yeah)

AdventPunkHazard101 March 15th, 2015

I'm scared to... but... -winces- Just give me a hug, will ya? xD


*hugs* don't be scared, we'll protect chu :3 xDDD

AdventPunkHazard101 March 15th, 2015

-hugs back- Okay, that wasn't half bad. XD I need that. :D


Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee, we're nice xDDDD ^u^ hopefully that made your day a little easier


Seeeeeeeeeeeeeee, we're nice xDDDD ^u^ hopefully that made your day a little easier

Divaa March 15th, 2015

Do virtual hugs really work? If yeah, I could really use one right now.


I can't do all of the fancy font stuff that everyone else is doing but oh well *wraps arms around you and cuddles you* Feel any better?? :3

AdventPunkHazard101 March 15th, 2015



So what kind of hug do everyone want here?? There's different types of hugs really aren't there?? Like, there's wrapping your arms around someone's neck, standing on your tiptoes and burrowing your head in their shoulder. Or there's having your arms around their waist and pulling them close. Or there's one arm around their back and one hand supporting their head that's on your shoulder.... ect.... then there's cuddles. Come on. Graphic and detailed description of the type of hug you want right now. Go! :3

AdventPunkHazard101 March 15th, 2015

-giant robotic arms with no hopes of escaping them putting you in a giant, awesome, warmest embrace you all ever had just to tell you, "Beep bop boop. You're too awesome to droop!"- xD


YES I like it :3 ^u^ I actually would. I want a hugging robot now hahahaha :3

WanderingOrc March 15th, 2015

i get really lonely, and hug my chickens, and that is okay , i guess until they see their self in your eyeball and make a move to poke it. :(


Ouch, that sounds painful. I'll hug you without eating your eyeball xDD *hugs*


Ouch, that sounds painful. I'll hug you without eating your eyeball xDD *hugs*


*hugs* hahhahahaha :3 >u<


*hugs* hahhahahaha :3 >u<

aprilstorm March 15th, 2015

lying down on the grass looking at the sky and cuddling, and talking.. that would be so cool right now.smiley


That sounds fabulous. Get a blanket, some great food... yes. Just, yes.

penta March 16th, 2015

having your arms around their waist and pulling them close


I like being on the other end of that hug. Having someone's arms around my waist, holding me to them. Omg I love it. Get here and hug me xDDD

AshlynNicholeee March 15th, 2015

I want a hug where my arms are around the neck & theirs around my waist & it be really tight. or cuddles.

quitenight March 15th, 2015

I could use a hug I don't remember the last time I was hugged, the kind of hug where you can just melt into the persons arms and cry and cry and the person holding you won't judge you or hurt you the kind where it lasts for a long time just so you can let all your worries and care disapear , where you can lean your head on some ones shoulder and know that person isn't gonna lie to you or hurt you that's what I am looking for in a hug


Meet me now xDDD I'll hug you, I need it rn

quitenight March 15th, 2015

Wish I could but I doubt you live near me


Yeahhh but one day maybe xDDDD well I would hug you if I could

quitenight March 16th, 2015

But thank you for the internet hug it is appreciated

heyximxkate March 15th, 2015

i hug my dog a lot for someone who has a boyfriend... cheeky



sideshowbob March 15th, 2015

a hug where you close your eyes and the world just melts away. nothing else around matters. just feeling like everything will be ok.