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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





Laura OP February 5th, 2015

I love hugs too! Sending one to you RIGHT now :)

Ele February 5th, 2015

Her name is Laura and she likes warm hugs!

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Very true Ele - i do like hugs :)

But here is one for you!!

Lindsey93 February 5th, 2015

Thank you for making this thread even more amazing!

LolaHope February 5th, 2015

Hugs reduce pain, reduce stress, cure depression, induce sleep, rejuvenate the heart. You have no side effects... A true miracle medicine. Hugs for everyone!!

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Well said! A big hug you way!!!heart

lostchild2 February 5th, 2015

I love hugs i love giving then i love giving them. I give hugs on 7cups because we all need hugs and love. It's always great t oil feel loved. So HUGS for everyone 💖

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Hugs for everyone, but of course, once also for YOU!

Annie February 5th, 2015

heartHUGS, lovely hugs! Thank youthankyouthank you! Mmmmmmm, just what I needed. And here come some hugs to YOU.heart

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Glad it was just what you needed :)

Hooray for HUGS!

One for youuuuuu!!!!

CarinaNicole February 5th, 2015

I offer hugs, hot cocoa, homemade pad thai, gluten free cupcakes, and soft knitted quilts to all. Love you all and offer my kind embrace!heart

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Wow, *runs to grab the loot*

Sounds amazing! Big hugggggggg YOUR WAY!

Sharry February 5th, 2015


Laura OP February 5th, 2015

That's right Sharry!

BUT also a BIGGGGG one JUST for YOUUUUUU!!!smiley

hopefulTree78 February 5th, 2015


Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Hugs to all & especially one just for you! Because you deserve it!yes

breakice66 February 5th, 2015

have a bear hug :)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Why thank you!

I'd love one!

But alsooooo one for you!

accesspoint February 5th, 2015

I demand a hug, and im not smiling until i get one ...sad

hopefulTree78 February 5th, 2015

Hugs to you too

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

You have come to the right place. You can DEMAND hugs here!

AND I WILL GIVE YOU ONE!! SENDING YOU A HUG that says "everything will be okay"


GrowBloom February 5th, 2015

(((((Warm lovingcomforting hugs))))) to you, yes *you* :)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

yup, i'm talking to you! A big hug your way!

You are so deserving!

sid8080 February 5th, 2015

hie there love you all guys and hug to all my friend thanks all of you

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Thank you for the hug! Much appreciated it!

Sending one your way! Today will be a good day!heart

toughPlane43 February 5th, 2015

Right now I need hug but I give so many to everyone who needs! I love you all! 💕

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Thank you, we welcome your hugs with open arms! I appreciate it!

But of course, we all send you one back!!!

Here is a hug that says: you are going to have a great DAY!

toughPlane43 February 5th, 2015

Awh, thank you so much! I really appreciate it! Hope you all have good day too ❤

Sam February 5th, 2015

Did someone say Free Hugs? YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHA. By the wayhugs are great for self-care! :D

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Hugs are great for Self-care!!!

HUG for YOU!

Roni1974 February 5th, 2015

BIG HUGS! smiley

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

yes, big big hugs!! hooray!

And one especially just for YOUUUUU!devil

Gracey February 5th, 2015

Also sending you massive hugs Laura! just for being you

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Why thank youuuuuu!

​A hug just for you too Miss Gracey!!! <3

naturalRiver18 February 5th, 2015

Hug you all :)

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Right back at you! Big hug for YOUUUU!

MathiasS February 5th, 2015

One hug, pleaseheartangellaugh

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

You got it, one hug comin' right up!!


Jessica February 5th, 2015

Hugs to you Laura!!cooleveryone else as well!

Laura OP February 5th, 2015

Why thank you Jessica!

Of course, here is a *hug* just for you!!!cool