Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
Yeah a hug would so nice .. Or maybe a few bazillion.. 😟
@Looneyladida Sending you a bazillion hugs :)
@SammyLouise 😊 *hugs*
Hug me please. I really just need someone to hold me, and tell me it's going to be okay. To tell me that they'll always be here for me. No one really needs to be that someon. Just pretend to?
I feel like the people in my life are just pretending to care. Or I am the only one with these feelings. Im 28. Ive only learnt that we feel the way we feel. And that has to be OK. It sucks. Community can give support sometimes. Rarely. Its up to you to solve your puzzle.
Hugs, hugs....wathever is going on in your life I hope things get better and better...I had difficult times but things can change :-)
I wish someone actually cared about me instead of treating my existence like a pet. If I died they'd be disappointed but while I'm alive I'm not listened to or helped or loved.
@TeamDecieve Sending hugs to you. Try to remember that you do matter, your life is so so valuable and there are people who care about you. It might be hard right now to see that but honestly there are so many people who care and want you to be happy.
A hug would be great Thanks
:'( please?
i havent received a hug in years.. would really like one but no one cares about me:)
@boydivision Sending you big hugs♡ But it isn't true someone cares about you. You matter❣
@iamaryyy thank you..
@boydivision NICE USERNAME
@boydivision I don't know you, but I care about you now
You hug me, I hugged you. For whoever needs it♡