Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!
I've just.... Been neglected lately... Broke up with my boyfriend and I miss an ex of mine that got away... I just... I feel hollow...
@Hunterxdrake Aww sweetie. :( That is horrible. Take your time to mourn the relationship but do move on eventually. Please? Have a million hugs hun :)
I could really use a hug if that's okay.
@ApollosMom *hug*
@ApollosMom Of course! *huggles you (gives you tons of tight hugs)* Feel better soon! <3
I could use a hug. Feeling broken hearted.
@understandingJet2624 *hugGG*
Here a warm hug
whatever it is that's bringing you down, here's a hug for you!
My eyes wide open for those who need to be hugged @):-
@pinkTea Huggles? *^▁^*
i've just been feeling really off recently. *hugs* guy? <3<3
@PepperSquid huuugs ❤️
Hugs for Everyone on this site, have a Fantastic day all!!!
*Sends out the type of vibe a hug gives to all whom want a hug but don't like being touched or cannot have contact with others for any reason*.
*Sends out hugs to those whom want contact-hugs*.