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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





ChicaMorfina February 26th, 2016

@BiPrideKitten411 People are selfish,and ignorant.Try to focus on a positive thing.Hope you feel ok❀️ *little hug* *big hug*

MelanieLittle February 26th, 2016



dont listen to them. You have worth you are important.

mylifemythinking February 26th, 2016

I am feeling so sad and depressed so please hug me😞😞😞😞❀

hug me 😞

Helpedia2020 February 26th, 2016

@mylifemythinking hey, we're all here to help you feel better okay? It'll all be alright. *hugs you*

Hope that helps laugh​

mylifemythinking February 27th, 2016

@Helpedia2020. Thanks 😊😊😊😊😊 'hugs you'

ChicaMorfina February 26th, 2016

@mylifemythinking Do you think listening to positive music,will help you? * Big hugs and kissis* ❀️❀️

mylifemythinking February 27th, 2016

@ChicaMorfina '''hugs you'

xLoneWolfx February 26th, 2016

I got zero friends. And i just wanna feel part of something. Am i this pathetic? -.-

xLoneWolfx February 26th, 2016

@xLoneWolfx yes you are myself

hole February 26th, 2016

@xLoneWolfx no way you are lovely

deya February 26th, 2016

@xLoneWolfx you're not pathetic, I'll be your friend πŸ’–

Yumiidk February 26th, 2016

@xLoneWolfx i know that feeling bruh

CuriousBookworm5 February 26th, 2016

@xLoneWolfx Wanting to be part of something is why we're all here in the world. It is far from ever being pathetic. Giving you a big, big hug and here if needed

markngsq February 26th, 2016

you guys! T_T *hug*

neuroqueen February 26th, 2016

Friday night and doing work. Most of my friends are out tonight... Plz I need a hug 😿

moorn February 26th, 2016

@neuroqueen hey you are not alone.i have work at Friday night too :)

Tueri1 February 26th, 2016

I need a hug I'm sad and lonely 😞

theEnglishmajor February 26th, 2016

@Tueri1 ~hug~

MelanieLittle February 27th, 2016

@Tueri1 *hug*

theEnglishmajor February 26th, 2016

I'm scared I might do something bad to myself.

CuriousBookworm5 February 27th, 2016

@theEnglishmajor Sending you a huge hug to keep you safe. It will pass. Stay on the site so someone can help you through this time. Thinking of you and here if ever you need to talk

BellasHuman February 27th, 2016

@theEnglishmajor sending hugs your way. Don't give up

pioneeringPear3424 February 26th, 2016

I need a hug

MelanieLittle February 27th, 2016

@pioneeringPear3424 I need one too! *HUG*

ChammyRose February 27th, 2016

I feel lonely very often. I just want to make friends but it seems hard these days... *hugs* to those who need one just like me

ToxicTentacles February 27th, 2016

@ChammyRose same, after all the partying, it left me with no real friends. No one to talk to.

mylifemythinking February 27th, 2016

@ChammyRose '''i have no real friends '. hugs you '

ToxicTentacles February 27th, 2016

I realized I have no friends after I stopped going to parties, and now I have no one to talk to. I don't want to tell my boyfriend about depression and why I'm sad, I don't want him to pity me. I want to talk to someone but I don't want to be judged.

Dulaneyrose February 27th, 2016


hi my name is lolli stark and I just want to say I'm here for u and I can relate to what ur going thro

ToxicTentacles February 27th, 2016

@Dulaneyrose thanks

cntrlaltdlt February 27th, 2016

@ToxicTentacles I wrote this long reply n lost it. Can you connect to me?as in message me on here? This app confuses me

ToxicTentacles February 27th, 2016

@cntrlaltdlt this is confusing me too, i tried to contact you. I don't know how i can talk to you here other than this.

Mamaof3bears February 27th, 2016

@ToxicTentacles you are worthy. We can be friends if you want. :)

RavenHeart425 February 27th, 2016

I feel like if I post this no one will notice anyway but I'm completely alone and I would like a hug because this is the only place that someone might oblidge

BellasHuman February 27th, 2016

@RavenHeart425 here is a hug for you, you are not alone

Turquoisedreamer February 27th, 2016

@RavenHeart425 Another squishy hug incoming!


Richard142 February 27th, 2016

I feel like shit and I just need someone to be here for me :(

BellasHuman February 27th, 2016

@Richard142 big hugs

bubbleHuman3867 February 27th, 2016

I could use hug too I guess. Done kinda feeling so down and stresesd out...

Littleliars8 February 27th, 2016


Huh πŸ’πŸ‘πŸ˜˜