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Need a Hug? FREE HUGS!!!

Laura February 5th, 2015





cyanPlatypus6370 December 8th, 2015

@aSoulAtPeace This is awesome! More hugs for all !!!!! Thanks, Olaf :)

aSoulAtPeace December 8th, 2015

Olaf says welcome ;)

And one more huggg :)

pizzadonald1 December 8th, 2015

I feel rather anxious about life at the moment, a hug would be more than welcome :)

EucalyptWoman December 9th, 2015

Hugs for you from NSW!

QuietlyDreaming December 12th, 2015

Someone hit and killed my cat today, I'm having a hard time coping. I need a hug.

QuietPastelRain December 13th, 2015


goldenDog39 December 12th, 2015

I'm running really low on money and am worried. Please someone hug me as I need to feel alright

QuietPastelRain December 13th, 2015


QuietPastelRain December 13th, 2015


lexus2446 December 14th, 2015

Having a really hard time. Feel like property.

Feelyourthoughts December 14th, 2015

*hugs you tightly*

MusicIsLife09 December 15th, 2015

I feel really tired of a lot of things and all I need is a hug

oliverjayy December 15th, 2015


*gives you a great big hug* :) :) :)

ShyMap840 December 15th, 2015

Hugs to anyone that needs a hug

marleyalvory December 15th, 2015

Everybody needs a hug.It changes your metabolism.

newscars1234 December 17th, 2015


anonyLake4298 December 17th, 2015

I wish they were real physical hugs. Cause i need one super bad

PrincessKLS1983 December 17th, 2015

@anonyLake4298 Me too.

LittleLotte December 17th, 2015

Biggest hug from me to you

For all those who need it: a BIG hug from me to you (and it means I get a hug in return!)

bigphil2695 December 17th, 2015

Me please. :)

quietDime4559 December 17th, 2015

@bigphil2695 *Hugs*

carefulBranch2744 December 17th, 2015

Yes please, that would be nice

Evechen December 17th, 2015

@carefulBranch2744 Lovely hugs to you!

Koriin December 17th, 2015

A friend of mine is in the hospital... and... dying.... I need a serious hug...

UmbrElla1413 December 17th, 2015

@Koriin You must be going through a really tough moment, I'm sorry about your friend *hugs you very tight* I wish you and your friend all the best. *gives you another long hug*

Koriin December 17th, 2015


She was the first friend i made where i live too..... Do you think you'll be open around 4:30 EST? I umm... need to talk a bit about it... I'd start our conversation right now if my computer werent about to die.. I only have 3% left on the battery...

UmbrElla1413 December 18th, 2015

@Koriin I think we probably missed each other. Of course, I'd still be happy to talk about it with you :) Feel free to pm me any time and we can schedule a chat.

Koriin December 18th, 2015


I... tried sending a PM... unfortunately i'm still 17... i gotta wait till September again....

UmbrElla1413 December 18th, 2015

@Koriin Oh no, I'm so sorry about that! I wish there was another way I could help. If you want, I could help you look for another listener or we could talk in a chatroom or forum, though of course I realize that is not really an ideal solution. And please know that if in September you do still feel like talking, and I am still on here (which I'm planning to be) you can always try to pm me again! :)

Koriin December 18th, 2015


I could find somewhere to start a fourm about the situation... then i could have multiple people helping me out with it... And... possibly, through me, helping my friend.... She's had a rough past 2 days...

She neds a lot of emotional help right now... she's... not willing to join any new sites though (she already has a total of 20 different accounts across various sites)

UmbrElla1413 December 19th, 2015

@Koriin Hey, I think it's a great idea to start up one forum post to "rally" the support you need. And I also think your friend is really lucky to have you by your side. Hard times like these can bring friends closer together... Having someone looking out for you is the most healing thing that can happen to you when you're unwell. At the same time, don't forget to look at for yourself, too, that way you can stay strong in your support. If you do start a forum post, you can always tag me and I promise I will read it. :) Take care!

shay123123d December 17th, 2015

i need one

Lambert December 17th, 2015

I will hug every single one of you, lovelies! *HUGS* <3

December 17th, 2015

LAURA CAN I HUG YOU !!!! heart

BriteSide December 17th, 2015

@Laura !!!

Holie December 17th, 2015

lolwalrus December 17th, 2015

me plz

UmbrElla1413 December 17th, 2015

@lolwalrus You're welcome :)

Myyt December 17th, 2015

I could use one :) *preemptively hugs*

UmbrElla1413 December 17th, 2015


Thank you! Right back at you!