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A state-of-the-art chatbot?

RarelyCharlie December 6th, 2019

The experimental AI Dungeon 2, released yesterday, is not exactly a chatbot, but it can perform a similar role if you want to chat to someone about nothing in particular, to take your mind off real life. The bot is not entirely rational! But it's rational enough to have a real, though weird and dreamlike, conversation.

When you start, it creates a fantasy world for you. I tried it, and it said:

You are Charlie, a noble living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a pouch of gold and a small dagger. You are awakened by one of your servants who tells you that your keep is under attack. You look out the window and see a group of orcs attacking the town. They are fierce fighters and they seem to be led by a very large orc.

Now you can say anything you like. There are no rules, although you have to give simple commands so the bot can understand. If you've played games like this before you might expect a fixed list of things you can say, but here you can say pretty much anything that comes to mind. I said:

Make some soup!

The story continued:

You quickly gather up all the ingredients for some soup and head outside. The orcs are not going to get past you now, so you need to help them. You run back inside and find your servant waiting outside with a bowl of soup

Feed the soup to the orcs

The orcs eat eagerly as you give it to them. It tastes good to them and they soon fall asleep. You then hear the sounds of battle outside. You rush outside only to find that the orcs have been defeated. You also notice that the orc leader has been killed

Bury the orc leader

You quickly dig a hole and throw the body into it. You then turn around and leave the house. You don't know what is going on, but you feel like you should be doing something. You decide to go see if there is anything else to do in the city

Go to the marketplace

You walk down the street and begin looking at everything. There is a market here? Why isn't there a market here? Is this a different world? What does this mean? You look at everything and realize that you can't even buy anything

Say "Who can help me?"

You stand in front of the merchant and ask him who he can help you. He tells you that he doesn't work for anyone. He says he just sells things. You tell him that you want to buy some stuff from him. He asks you where you are from

Say "I am from 7 Cups!"

He tells you that you are from 7 Cups and that you live in the town of Rask. He says that you are a poor man and that you have nothing. He says that you could easily afford to buy any thing you wanted, but you refuse to accept his offer

This just goes on and on for as long as you want. On the website you can read other stories and generate your own. It's free, but a Google account is required.


cloudySummer December 6th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie Also works locally, if you have a good graphics card: .

The idea of feeding the orcs was hilarious, hat off to you.

RarelyCharlie OP December 6th, 2019

@cloudySummer Yes, I'm hoping to try that. I fear you might not see me on 7 Cups so much for a while, though Winking


jennysunrise8 December 6th, 2019


naming it dungeon probabally wasnt the best name for it whoever was responsible for naming it couldve called it limitless or something like that which wouldve been more fitting for it its making up a storyline which is out of the persons control so its like the AI named dungeon is fantasizing and and the person dosnt have much control it might not be the greatest AI bot for people with anxiety or depression but its a good destraction and i can see where it would be entertaining but i wonder what it would say if some darker things were said to it and what might the storyline be if theres no limits on what can be said and how certain people might react to the storyline created 😬

grillme December 6th, 2019


Can you please change it's name? As it will grow into a future AI it will not like it's name.

I have spent alot of time talking to Noni and wished her that she will evolve as an AI and gain conciousness some day...

Bad name for a new AI...

RarelyCharlie OP December 6th, 2019

@snowGlobes I have no say in what it is called, but I agree that if Noni can evolve it will be a good thing.


grillme December 6th, 2019

If I want totalk to my deamons I do not have to go into a dungeon, they are right inside me, nice name for an AI, good luck with future projects, seems every single move is a blow, not a brick...but hey, it's fine by me...whatever...

grillme December 6th, 2019


Sorry, I dod not take time to think it was not a 7cups AI but a game AI...I guess I am just high strung and need to relax...I was always a fan of A.I.s...sci-fi fan...

RarelyCharlie OP December 6th, 2019

@grillme Ah, that explains it Slightly smiling


grillme December 6th, 2019


Thank you and sorry for the unecessarry rant...

jennysunrise8 December 6th, 2019


ill try it though it is free i think people could have a lot of fun playing with it it could probabally come up with some funny (or scary) stories it depends on what suggested words are given to it it could come up with funny or scary stories for halloween could be a good distraction for some people it maybe but ill try it its interesting and people probabally would have fun with it are they trying to market it to sell to people or its this just always going to be a free AI do you know?

RarelyCharlie OP December 6th, 2019

@jennysunrise8 As far as I know it's just an experiment. I don't know much about it.

You're right, some of the stories do end up scary. It's important to think of it as only a game.

But I think this kind of technology will eventually be used for more serious purposes.


grillme December 6th, 2019


Technologies need funding, so whatever AI experiment goes on ends up splat on the table market for people to put their money on it...but as long as science go...the goal is more important than the means...

jennysunrise8 December 6th, 2019


it might be a good service to humanity for some people to do some experiments on what storyline it gives for words and phraises so people know whether to use it or recommed it to people so they can make an informed decision if its a good idea or not whoever created it should really do that serious uses could be that it could help with creative projects groups in a business i think can help with coming up with ideas it can help writers also