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7 Cups Training Courses /Self-Help Guides! Share your learning!

November 3rd, 2023

Did you take up one of the training courses at 7 Cups?

On member accounts, the training courses are known as self-help guides!

Check them out here!

Listeners may also find them here!

Activity: Study one of the guides from the link above and share your learning in this thread!

For example:

I took the training on the topic of Anxiety today and this is what I learned..(full comment then).

You can also quote a helpful snippet from one of the guides or share a video from one of the guides that you found helpful!

Invite more Cupsers to participate by tagging them in this thread!

Get set, goooooooo! Let's learn together and benefit the best from the training courses/self-help guides!


A big shout-out to @AnnaSilverberg for suggesting the amazing idea of this thread and motivating me to do it!

AnnaSilverberg November 3rd, 2023
🌟 @Fristo 🌟

🤗 Amazing! 🤗
🎓 I look forwards to see what everyone's learning 🎓

Heather225 November 3rd, 2023


love that you're bringing attention to the guides! they're foundational learning to our platform and should also be revisited often as refreshers!